Investigations on the Separation Efficiency of Tubular Bowl Centrifuges
S. Stahl, L. E. Spelter, H. Nirschl
Chem. Eng. Technol. 31 (2008) 11, 1577-1583
In the last decade a major progress has been achieved in the synthesis and functionalization
of nanoscale particles, but the handling of such material systems like
separation or classification has been neglected. With tubular centrifuges, even
nanoscale particles can be separated from a suspension at reasonable throughputs
due to very high g values. This is a great advantage compared to membrane techniques
(low throughput) and filtering, disc stack and decanter centrifuges (lower
g values). An analysis of the discharged solids in dependence on time and verification
of sediment build-up with a magnetic resonance spectrometer (MRI) provide
a comprehensive understanding of the sedimentation process in a tubular
bowl centrifuge. MRI allows a noninvasive, direct view into the filled centrifuge
rotor; this data is compared with theoretical results.