Prof. Dr.-Ing.  Hermann Nirschl

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Nirschl

  • Strasse am Forum 8
    76131 Karlsruhe

curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae

1984-1989 Study of Technology and Biotechnology of foods, Technical University of Munich
1990-1991 Graduate Studies as a Konrad-Adenauer-fellow at the Technical University of Munich (Chair for Fluid Dynamics and Process Engineering, Prof. Dr. H.A. Dwyer)
1991-1994 Scientific member and doctorate study at the Technical University of Munich (Chair for Fluid Dynamics and Process Engineering)
1994 Ph.D. Dissertation at the Technical University of Munich
1996 Habilitation at the Technical University of Munich (Fluid Mechanics in Process Engineering)
1997-2002 3M ESPE Dental Company, Head of Process Engineering and Equipment
seit 2002 Professor at the University of Karlsruhe (TH), Chair of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics

since Oct. 2005

since 2007

Associate Dean, Department of Cemical and Process Engineering, University of Karlsruhe (TH)

Research Dean, Department of Cemical and Process Engineering, University of Karlsruhe (TH)



Working Fields:

mechanical process engineering, fluid process engineering, solid-liquid-separation, threedimensional mixing processes, grinding technology, nanoscale particle structures, numerical simulation


Appointed member in the GVC Fachausschüssen "Mechanische Flüssigkeitsabtrennung" and "Grenzflächen in der Festtoffverfahrenstechnik"

Member in the DFG Fachkollegium 403 "Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry" Fach 403-03 "Mechanical Process Engineering"

Awards and Prizes:

- Richard-von-Mises award winner of the Gesellschaft für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) 1997

- ICARUS-Preis of the European Community

- CEC award of the University of Edingburgh, Scotland

Lectures and Exercises in the winter term
title type semester place
seminar Hauptdiplom
seminar Hauptdiplom
exercise Master

Scientific Computing Center (SCC) electronic classroom, Room C-Pool R-110 (Bdg. 20.21)

Verfahrenstechnik nanoskaliger Partikelsysteme Master

Seminarraum MVM

geb.30.70 ,raum 206

Lecture Hauptdiplom


The publications of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Nirschl can you find here.