Proposal writing for young researchers
Writing a DFG Proposal
Individual Grants and Priority Programmes
Authors: Dr. Simon Jörres; Anja Kleefuß
How do I write a (successful) DFG proposal
Author: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Nirschl
1st Ph.D. Workshop: How to Ph.D.
Date: November 29 - 30, 2022
This workshop covers the most important challenges regarding the start of your new position as a PhD student – from getting your laptop ready to work with to ordering your first chemicals, doing literature research and setting up your experiments. We discussed who has an interest in the success of your project und how to distinguish a good from a critical publication by analyzing its structure, formatting and content. Program
The Slides of the How to Ph.D. Workshop can be found here.
2nd Ph.D. Workshop: Numerical simulation and optimal control with CasADi and acados
Date: November 29, 2023
This workshop "Numerical simulation and optimal control with CasADi and acados" is part of the annual project meeting of the project SPP 2364: Autonome Prozesse in der Partikeltechnik. It is organized by Katrin Baumgärtner and Prof. Moritz Diehl (University of Freiburg). The aim of this workshop is to give the participants some hands on experience on methods and in particular software for numerical simulation and optimal control. The workshop exercises are based on python, CasADi, and acados.
In the first part of the workshop, we briefly recap some basics on nonlinear optimization and nonlinear programming algorithms. In the second part, we consider numerical simulation methods as well as direct optimal control. We discuss numerical algorithms and software tools for solving the nonlinear optimization problems arising from the direct optimal control approach. In the exercise session, we directly apply the introduced methods to a simple process control example. Program
3rd Ph.D. Workshop
Workshop: Data handling in practice
Date: October 10, 2024
The Glossar can be found here.
Workshop: Writing a DFG Proposal
Date: October 11, 2024
In this workshop, you will gain practical insights into writing successful research proposals - an essential skill for securing funding and advancing your academic career. You will learn more about the review and peer review process for research proposals. You will also find out which funding programmes the DFG offers for postdocs and how high the funding rates are. Program
The Slides of the Writing a DFG Proposal Workshop can be found here.
1st Summer School
Date: June 28 - 30, 2023
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our 1st Summer School in Karlsruhe in June 2023. The meeting will take place at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institut for Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Straße am Forum 8, Building 30.70. Program
The Slides of the Summer School can be found here.
2nd Summer School
Date: June 17 - 19, 2024
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2nd Summer School in Braunschweig. The meeting will take place at the Steigenberger Parkhotel Braunschweig, Nimes Straße 2, 38100 Braunschweig. Program
Online Workshop Series Winter 2023
Date: January 16 - February 22, 2023
Our first online workshop series will take place in January and February 2023. All project participants of SPP2364 are cordially invited to our online workshops. The workshops will take place every Monday from January 16th to February 6th. The last date of the workshop series is on Wednesday, February 22th. Program
The Slides of the online workshops can be found here.
Online Workshop Series Summer 2024
Date: April 15, 2024 - July 22, 2024
Our summer 2024 online workshop series will begin on 15 April 2024. The dates of the workshop series can be found in the program. Program
Workshop series on soft-skills and strategic career planning Summer 2024
The second round of our interactive workshop series gives you the opportunity to further develop your soft skills and personal competences, which are very much essential for your future career.
26.06.2024: Basics of Science Communication, lecturer: Dr. Christiane Attig, NaWik
24.05.2024: This is how I did it, lecturers: Prof. Prof. Dr rer. nat. Kerstin Avila, Professor for Turbulence and Complex Systems at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samir Salameh, Professor for Particle Technology and Recycling Economy at Fachhochschule Münster
24.04.2024 TBC
20.03.2024: Compiling scientific papers – a fresh approach to your writing style (II), lecturer: Anja Kaufmann, 2re-act
21.02.2024: Compiling scientific papers – a fresh approach to your writing style (I), lecturer: Anja Kaufmann, 2re-act
17.01.2024: Prep ‘n pep – Impulses on advancing your presentation skills, lecturer: Anja Kaufmann, 2re-act
Workshop series on soft-skills and strategic career planning Winter 2024/25
The third round of our interactive workshop series is designed not only to enhance your technical skills, but also to foster a mindset of continuous learning and development.
18.09.2024: Corporate learning based on learning circles... guided and yet self-organized, held by Barbara Wietasch (Wietasch & Partner)
11.10.2024: How to Write a Proposal in the Academic Context, held by Anja Kleefuß and Dr. Simon Jörres (DFG)
13.11.2024: Self-Efficiency and Visibility in Academic, held by Annette Kolb (Coachademics)
22 01.2025: Beliefs (Glaubenssätze), held by Julia Schreier
19.02.2025: From Research to Innovation with the Business Model Canvas, held by Andre Uhlmann (SAXEED at TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
19.03.2025: KI in research and science – We are still working on this, but hopefully we can confirm the workshop within the next couple of weeks.
16.04.2025: Tweet or perish – Science communication: career boost or waste of time?, held by Dr. Theresa Schredelsker
21.05.2025: (Team) Meetings - We are still working on this, but hopefully we can confirm the workshop within the next couple of weeks.
18.06.2025: Self- and Timemanagement in Science, held by Annette Kolb (Coachademics)