Verfahrenstechnische Apparate und Maschinen und ihre Prozessintegration
- type: Blockvorlesung
- semester: Vertiefungsfach (Master CIW/VT und BIW)
- place:
10.-13.10.2022 lecture, 14.10.2022 excursion
- start: 8:30 Uhr
Manfred Nagel (Evonik Industries AG)
- sws: 2
- ects: 4
- lv-no.: 22941
october 18, 2022
Registration for this lecture is closed, there are no more places available. A waiting list has been set up, if a place becomes available we will inform you in time.
The lecture will be held online in WS 22/23, the excursion and the exam will be held in presence.
Registration for the lecture and exam is absolutely necessary! Please send an email with your full name and matriculation number to .