Image analysis as well as object detection and tracking of particles with Python

  • place:

    HiWi position

  • faculty / division:

    Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering

  • institute:

    Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics Working
    Group Gas-Particle Systems (GPS)


  • starting date:

    possible at any time

  • contact:

    M.Sc. Ole Desens

Image analysis as well as object detection and tracking of particles with Python

From experiments, the layer breakup, detachment and resuspension events of reactive particles in a model filter channel are documented with a high-speed camera (1000 images per second).  The aim of the task is to write Python scripts (revise existing scripts) that can recognize and track the detaching particle structures. In addition, the number, size (area/diameter), time of detachment and position of the structures are to be analyzed.

What I can offer you:

  • Support for problems or questions at any time
  • Flexible working hours
  • Working from home
  • The project started in 05/2024 and there is the prospect of long-term involvement in the topic. The project also offers sufficient potential for final theses.


  • Enjoy trying and learning new things
  • Basic knowledge of PYTHON and OpenCV

Contact details

Please contact me informally so that we can discuss the details in peace.

Ole Desens, M.Sc.
E-Mail: ole.desens∂

Tel.: +49 721 608-46573
Straße am Forum 8
Geb. 30.70, Raum 109
76131 Karlsruhe