Air Pollution Control / Breathing Air Quality
Our research findings on the pollution of breathing air with particulate matter (PM2.5 - ultra-fine particulate matter) and harmful gases can be found in numerous print, online, radio and television formats. The following list of links provides an overview:
Link list for reporting on "Air pollution control / breathing air quality in residential areas" - Contribution by Prof. Dr. Achim Dittler
(as of February 11, 2025)
Reports Wood stove flue gases
- Prof. Dittler spoke to Nicolas Friese on SWR aktuell about the causes of air pollution in Baden-Württemberg. (11 February 2025)
- Spektrum reported on emissions from wood-burning stoves (22 December 2024)
- Interview on rbb environment ‘About the carbon foorprint of wood-burning stoves’ (12 December 2024)
- SWR-Wissen reported on the ‘Stove boom - health risk from particulate matter’ (22 October 2024)
- The Generalanzeiger reported on the health effects of wood firing
- reported on wood-burning stoves as fine dust emitters
- heise-online reported on how you can determine the concentration of particulate matter in the air you breathe in your own living environment (16.02.2024)
- myHOMEBOOK reported on how harmful heating with wood is for your health (December 14, 2023)
- Science documentary Planet-Wissen SWR/WDR/ARD-alpha (October 4, 2023)
- Guest article for the FAZ (June 23, 2023)
- WiWo on wood-burning stoves (June 14, 2023)
- Statement for the ARD-Hauptstadtstudio - "Report from Berlin" about wood stove flue gases (June 11, 2023 - from minute 21)
- The FAZ reported "Auf dem Holzweg" (June 5, 2023)
- SWR-Wissen reported on the "Problem case stove" (March 30, 2023)
- Güven Purtul reported in the Welt
- Güven Purtul reported in ZDF-Frontal (March 14, 2023)
- Markus Köss(daswetter) reported on wood heating
- Die ZEIT reported on air pollution from wood-burning stoves
- BRAIN-BITES in the Triangle Space on 5.10.2022 on "Air quality in residential areas"
- The BNN reported on particulate matter from wood stoves
- ARD "Update Wirtschaft " - Interview with Dorothea Holz
- Interview with the SZ on how wood stove fumes restrict quality of life and endanger health
- The Tagesspiegel reports about #holzofengate
- Stuttgarter Nachrichten reported on the pollution of the air we breathe with wood stove fumes
- Prof. Dittler spoke to Klimazeit about wood stove fumes (from minute 5:55)
- Interview with FOCUS-online about #holzofengate
- 3sat-Nano reported on wood-burning stove fumes in residential areas (from minute 21:30)
- Deutschlandfunk reported on how wood-burning stove fumes damage health
- SWR2-Wissen reported in a 30-minute radio report on 7.11.2022
- FAZ reported on the effects of wood combustion (2022)
- Meinstutensee reported on the dangers of burning wood
- n-tv reported on wood burning
- Die Welt (am Sonntag) reported on winter smog (2022)
- The BNN reported on wood-burning stove fumes (2022)
- MDR-Umschau reported on wood-burning stoves
- SWR-aktuell reported on breathing air quality in residential areas (2022)
- Utopia reported
- Interview on Deutschlandfunk Environment & Consumers (2022)
- Interview with / contribution to the Spektrum report (2022)
- The Badische-Zeitung reported (2022)
- Daily talk with Bayern2 (26.9.2022)
- dpa interview about wood heating - to be read in many daily newspapers nationwide, including Die Zeit (2022)
- The FAZ reported on the threat to public safety posed by wood-burning stove fumes in Stutensee, inadequate measurements/limit values, the ignorance of Holzofengate by politicians, the dismissal by authorities and the bogus "filter" solution
- SPIEGEL reports on holzofengate (2022)
- WiWo reported on the wood-burning stove boom and what this will mean for breathing air quality in many residential areas (2022)
- The BNN reported on harmful wood stove fumes (2022)
- The Berliner Morgenpost reported on the health risks posed by wood-burning stoves (2022)
- The NationalGeographic reported on harmful wood-burning stove fumes (2022)
- The FAZ reported on wood-burning stoves (2022)
- The BNN reported on the ignorance of the problem (2022)
- BNN reported on the inaction of the authorities in the matter (e.g. in Stutensee, 2022)
- The BNN reported on the health risks posed by wood-burning stove smoke in Stutensee (2022)
- SPIEGEL reported on our investigations using the example of Stutensee (2022)
- 3sat about air quality in residential areas (2021)
- FAZ reported on air pollution (2019)
- ORF - Dok1 program about "The legend of clean wood" (2019)
- Leopoldina statement "Clean air" (2019)
Reports on particulate matter pollution from New Year's Eve fireworks
- The Lausitzer Rundschau reported on particulate matter pollution in the air we breathe in Cottbus (04 January 2025)
- The Tagesschau Faktenfinder reported on particulate matter pollution in the air we breathe (30 December 2024)
- Prof. Dittler spoke to Baden TV Aktuell on the subject of "fireworks" (02.01.2024 from minute 4:30)
- The fact finder reported on particulate matter