19.11.2020 - Interview with the dpa (German Press Agency) on the effectiveness of masks
The interview appeared in the following newspapers:
- Zeit online (21.11.2020)
- Handelsblatt (21.11.2020)
- Süddeutsche Zeitung (21.11.2020)
- Schwäbisches Tagblatt (21.11.2020)
- Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote (21.11.2020)
17.11.2020 - Interview with the campus radio: Correct ventilation is more efficient than filtering
In addition to ventilation, wearing a mask and keeping your distance, can you do something against the spread of the virus by filtering the room air? We tested highly efficient filter systems in a community school.
12.11.2020 – Start of the field tests: Simultaneous measurement of NO2 and fine dust immission at a measuring station close to traffic & in a new development area
In order to determine the differences in NO2 and fine dust immission between a traffic-related and a traffic-calmed environment, we measure at several locations with identical measuring technology. The measuring stations are located on the Reinhold-Frank-Straße, Karlsruhe (traffic-related area) and in Stutensee-Büchig (traffic-calmed area). The field tests have started. We thank the LUBW for their support!
23.09.2020 – 23.09.2020 - Interview with Antenne Niedersachsen about "How do we protect our children in schools - ventilation or filters?"
23.09.2020 - Contribution in the Medical Tribune on the effectiveness of filters for interior spaces.
24.09.2020 - Presentation at the Palas AFiS-seminar 2020: "Testing against the virus - Protection for your health"
In the context of the above mentioned seminar Prof. Dittler gave a lecture on "Filtering Face Piece - Design & Effectiveness". Masks protect, if you use them correctly.
04.09.2020 - Investigation of the effectiveness of a new type of filter for interior spaces
In cooperation with MANN + HUMMEL, we are testing the effectiveness of a new type of filter for interior spaces for reducing particle concentration in enclosed spaces. We thank the Comprehensive School Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen for the permission to test in the real environment of a primary school classroom.
11.08.2020 - Interview with the campus radio: How masks and ventilation protect against infectious aerosols
Masks protect against infection with the new corona virus. Plastic visors, on the other hand, have little or no protective effect. The minimum distance of one meter fifty may not be sufficient in closed rooms. Frequent ventilation reduces the risk of infection. These are the most important results of a study carried out at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on the spread of droplets that are excreted into the ambient air when breathing, speaking or singing. More than touching surfaces, these tiny droplets floating in the air are responsible for the transmission of the corona virus.
Click here for the media file.
06.07.2020 - Press release on the effect of masks and the distribution of aerosols in rooms
In a KIT press release, Dr. Mathias Krause and Prof. Achim Dittler explain how masks and ventilation systems protect against infectious aerosols.
Click here for the press release.
09.04.2020 - Information on the implementation of lectures, exercises and seminars in the summer semester 2020
All lectures offered by the working group:
- Partikeltechnik (Particle technology)
- Grundlagen motorischer Abgasnachbehandlung (Fundamentals of Engine Exhaust aftertreatment)
- Nanopartikel - Struktur und Funktion (Nanoparticles - structure and function)
and the corresponding exercises are offered online.
We will inform you via ILIAS about the appropriate format as soon as possible. Please join via ILIAS. We will then activate you via "Joining on request".
The two seminars:
- Gas-Partikel-Systeme (Seminar Particle Technology)
- Seminar aktuelle Fragen der Partikeltechnik (Seminar Current Topics in Particle Technology)
will be held online via MS-Teams in the channel MVM_GPS until further notice.
You can find the current seminar schedule under this link.
03.03.2020 - Opening keynote at the 11th international AVL Exhaust & Particle Emissions Forum
In the opening keynote at the 11th International AVL Exhaust & Particle Emissions Forum, Prof. Dittler highlighted the current issue of fine dust in our breathing air. It became clear that most citizens perceive the quality of the air they breathe to be significantly worse than it actually is.
21.02.2020 – Visiting the ESTA Apparatebau GmbH
Innovative Product Development (IPD) is meeting the core of our research, which is focused on understanding fundamentals of gas-particle-separation processes. In this context we are working with innovative industry partners (e.g. through ZIM-Projects). It was our pleasure visiting ESTA Apparatebau GmbH & Co.KG today along a project related meeting. Thanks for hosting us! We look forward to continuing our fruitful collaboration.
04.02.2020 - Exkursion to LUBW (State Institute for the Enviroment Baden-Württemberg)
During their excursion to the LUBW at the location Großoberfeldstraße in Karlsruhe, the students and listeners of the lecture “Gas Particle Measurement Technology” gained insights into the determination of immission measurement values and the monitoring of air quality in Baden-Württemberg.