2.12.2019 - Kick-off of the ZIM project "Development of a resource-efficient scrubber with high separation efficiency for metallic particles from grinding processes"
A delegation from ESTA Apparatebau GmbH & Co. visited the working group for the project kick-off. First project contents were coordinated and the further procedure was planned. We are looking forward to the joint project and thank the project executing agency.
21.11.2019 - Contribution to the DOK1 programme "Dirty Hanno 2 - The Legend of Clean Wood"
As part of its reporting on the use of wood, KIT supported Hanno Setttele's report with facts on particle separation from exhaust gases. The KIT contribution can be viewed from minute 19:50. The entire programme can be viewed on the Internet at the following link: https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Dok-1/13844820/Dok-1-Dirty-Hanno-2-Die-Legende-vom-sauberen-Holz/14032706
15.11.2019 – Donation of entrepreneurial personality Leander Moelter (founder and former CEO of Palas GmbH) to the working group Gas Particle Systems
Leander Moelter handed over a generous donation to the working group "Gas Particle Systems" for the promotion of young scientists. Invited guests of honour (Dr.-Ing. Heinz Umhauer, Dr.-Ing. Peter Gäng, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Eberhard Schmidt, Ralf Emberger) enriched the ceremony with entertaining speeches. They highlighted various aspects of the long-standing cooperation between Palas GmbH and the working group Gas Particle Systems. The guests followed the stories with great interest and excitement. We are very happy about the donation and will use it in the sense of the donor. Thank you very much, Leander Mölter!
22.-24.10.2019 – FILTECH, Coglogne
At this year's FILTECH members of the working group present results of large number of ongoing research project. They also took the opportunity to look beyond their own research projects and establish contacts with companies.
12.09.2019 - Main meeting of the "Filter Consortium at KIT"
The members of the "Filter Consortium at KIT" met today at the Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics to discuss current results from research and development around the topic "Smart Filters" and to jointly coordinate the work packages for the years 2020 and 2021 in an open working atmosphere.
12.07.2019 - Emil-Kirschbaum-Award for Julian Zoller!
Congratulations to our colleague Julian Zoller for the Emil Kirschbaum Award 2019.
The Emil Kirschbaum Prize is awarded annually by the KIT - Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering for the best CIW Master's degree and is handed over at the award ceremony.
21.3.2019 – DFG-Round-Table Discussion „Mechanical Process Engineering“ in Clausthal-Zellefeld
Prof. Dittler participated at the annual round-table discussion "Mechanical Process Engineering" of the German Research Foundation DFG which this year took place in Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
21.2.2019 – in Berlin
Professor Dittler travelled to Berlin to attend the constituent meeting of the Leopoldina working group "Limit Values for Air Pollution" which addresses the issue of limit values concerning air pollution with nitrogen oxides.
05.02.2019 - The air is cleaner than ever
Students and listeners of the lecture "Gas Particle Measurement Technology" could convince themselves of this personally during a field trip to the LUBW (State Institute for the Enviroment Baden-Württemberg) at the location Großoberfeldstraße in Karlsruhe. The students were impressed by the meticulousness with which the immission measurement values are determined and gained many new impressions.