Operating behavior of pulse jet-cleaned filters regarding energy demand and particle emissions - Part 1: Experimental parameter study
P. Bächler, J. Meyer, A. Dittler
Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2023, 46, https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.202300080 (open access)
Filter operation of a pilot-scale baghouse filter was evaluated under energy and particle emission criteria. Evaluation of the required total power for filter opera- tion takes into account the fan power as well as the consumption of pressurized air. Filter face velocity, raw-gas concentration, and tank pressure for regeneration were varied for several cycle time settings to identify the minimum power. Cycle times shorter than at minimum power are not feasible due to increased dust emis- sions and no additional energetic benefit. Cycle times longer than at minimum power may lower the dust emissions at the cost of increased power consumption. Lowering filter face velocity can greatly lower the power consumption of baghouse filters, having implications on filter layout.