02.12.21 - Contribution to the program "defacto" on hr - Corona vs. freedom
With our contribution we could show the importance of the Corona transmission path "aerosol" and clarify: "outside" the risk of infection is much lower than "inside".
Here you can find the link to the broadcast.
24.11.21 - SWR Aktuell
Prof. Dittler spoke to SWR Aktuell about Christmas markets. "The pre-Christmas period can be enjoyed more safely outdoors than indoors," was the key message.
Here you can find the link to the contribution.
04.10.21 - End of compulsory wearing of masks in schools?
In the Stuttgarter Zeitung article, Prof. Dittler emphasized the importance of correctly wearing effective masks indoors as a building block for reducing the risk of corona infection.
15.09.21 - Welcome Camila Lacerda!
We are pleased to welcome Ms. Camila Lacerda from the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, to the research group. She will spend the next 6 months working on her PhD thesis on current issues in gas-particle separation technology.
03.09.2021 - Corona: What can air filters do in schools do?
Original sound recording regarding "air filters" - today in SWR2 together with the colleagues from the expert group aerosols.
Here you can listen to the contribution.
31.05.2021 - ka-news
Achim Dittler spoke with ka-news about the study of the Charité Research Organisation (CRO) on the corona infection risk in different means of transport.
You can read the article here.
21.04.2021 - There is something in the air
In his function as spokesman for the expert group on aerosols of the state government of Baden-Württemberg, Achim Dittler spoke with the weekly newspaper Kontext about aerosols. You can read the article here.
15.04.21 - Prof. Dittler at SWR Aktuell
Comment by Prof. Dittler on curfews. Probable means or nonsense?
Here you find the link to the contribution.
31.03.2021 - Television report on fine dust pollution from wood stoves on 3sat nano
In the 3sat nano broadcast of 31.3.2021 emissions from wood stoves were examined in an interdisciplinary way. Prof. Dittler contributed to the report with immission measurements.
24.03.2021 - Expert Group Aerosols of the State Government of Baden-Württemberg presents second report
The expert group on aerosols set up by the Baden-Württemberg state government, of which Achim Dittler is a member and spokesman, has submitted its second statement and makes recommendations on aerosols in vehicles, ventilation concepts in cultural facilities and virus mutations.
19.02.2021 - Poster Award of the ProcessNet Expert Group "Gas Cleaning"
We are pleased to announce that our contribution "Investigation of the penetration of soluble salts through surface filters using gravimetric and optical measurement methods" has been awarded this year's poster prize of the ProcessNet specialist group "Gas Cleaning".
08.02.2021 - Feature on FFP masks on 3sat
In the context of the 3sat contribution (link) we could show that permissible differences in the test standard EN149 can lead to different measuring results with the examination of so-called FFP masks. From the contribution it becomes clear: No mask offers 100% protection - not even an FFP2 mask. The use of higher-quality masks (i.e. OP mask, but especially FFP2 instead of "everyday mask") basically increases the effectiveness of the component in the overall concept. If "incorrectly worn" FFP2 masks "only" offer 50-60% overall separation efficiency due to "leakage ", this is always better than the separation efficiency of everyday masks (which is often less than 10%). Even if the effectiveness of the "mask" component is increased, the following still applies in addition: distance, reduce the number of people, reduce the duration of stay, ventilate & use indoor air filters if necessary.
21.01.2021 - SWR Aktuell
We were allowed to support the TV report about masks in the 19:30h edition of today's Landesschau SWR Aktuell and could show how to wear a mask correctly and how to recognize this (from min 6:30).
21.01.2021 - Article in the Schwäbische Zeitung
In an article in the Schwäbische Zeitung on the topic of "School and daycare: How strongly do children actually spread the coronavirus?", Prof. Dittler emphasises the importance of adhering to a whole package of measures in order to be protected in the best possible way from potentially infectious aerosols when staying indoors.
06.01.2021 - Feature on n-tv
For a report on n-tv on the topic "High-tech ventilation should make rooms usable again", Prof. Dittler reports on the effectiveness of room air cleaners.