DPE at the MATHMOD 2025
We had a great time at the Vienna MATHMOD Conference 2025! After three excellent talks by Marta Mandis on modeling microalgae cultures and state and rate estimation, by Henry Baumann on 2D temperature estimation in multi-stage press hardening and by Folke Rolf on frequency tunability of coupled oscillators for neuromorphic applications, we also found time for a leisure activity: ice skating at Rathausplatz.
Minisymposium at the MATHMOD 2025
The minisymposium "Model- and Data-based Property Control of Forming Processes" organized by Prof. Meurer as part of the DFG SPP 2183 for the MATHMOD taking place from 19 - 21.02.2025 in Vienna was accepted together with all six contributions. The contributions address the whole range of property-controlled forming processes and show new possibilities for the analysis and design of state and parameter estimators as well as controls.
New location on the South Campus
On November 6, 2024, the DPE Group moved to the South Campus. You can now find us at the visitor address
Building 40.50
Engler-Bunte-Ring 1b
76131 Karlsruhe
New publication in Nature Scientific Reports
Read our latest research paper in Nature Scientific Reports on artificial homeostatic temperature regulation by bioinspired feedback mechanisms. The results were generated in SFB 1461 in collaboration with Petro Feketa from Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) and Tom Birkoben, Maximiliane Noll, Alexander Schaum and Hermann Kohlstedt from Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Feketa, P., Birkoben, T., Noll, M. et al. Artificial homeostatic temperature regulation via bio-inspired feedback mechanisms. Sci Rep 13, 5003 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-31963-4
DPE Group with 5 papers at the IFAC World Congress 2023
Great success at one of the most prestigious and largest conferences in the field of control theory and control engineering. The DPE group is represented at this year's IFAC World Congress with five accepted papers:
- D. Ratke, T. Meurer, P. Mark, D. Sanio, and Y. Schwarz: Model-based Estimator Design for the Curing Process of a Concrete Structure.
- S. Helling and T. Meurer: The Rotary Flexible Joint - A Holistic View from Modeling and Control to Observer Design and Experiments
- D. Wolfram and T. Meurer: DMD-Based Model Predictive Control for a Coupled PDE-ODE System
- M. Wrobel, J. Martschin, T. Meurer, and E. Tekkaya: Data-driven Temperature Estimation for a Multi-Stage Press Hardening Process
- P. Jerono, J.J. Winkin, A. Vande Wouwer, and A. Schaum: Indistinguishability analysis and observer design for size-structured cell populations
Congratulations to all successful authors!
New group for Digital Process Engineering at MVM
Arriving with parts of my Kiel team at Campus West of KIT: Denis Ratke, Marcel Jiokeng, Sönke Bartels (back row), Rakesh Kumar, Pascal Jeonon, Simon Helling (middle row), Thomas Meurer (front row).
We are looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities!