30.12.2024 - Faktenfinder der Tagesschau
Prof. Dittler spoke with Pascal Siggelkow for the Tagesschau fact finder about particulate matter pollution in the air we breathe.
You can find the link to the article here.
22.12.2024 - Spectrum
Prof. Dittler spoke to Andreas Frey for Spektrum about emissions from wood-burning stoves.
You can find the link for the article here.
12.12.2024 - rbb Umwelt
Prof Dittler spoke about the climate footprint of wood-burning stoves on rbb Umwelt. Here you can find the article ‘About the climate footprint of wood-burning stoves’.
22.10.2024 - SWR-Wissen
In the SWR-Wissen report, Thomas Kruchem and Prof Dittler talked about the wood-burning stove boom and the health risks posed by particulate matter.
Here you can find the link to the article.
Prof Dittler spoke in the ‘General-Anzeiger’ about the health effects of wood firing.
You can find the link to the article here.
03.07.-04.07.2024 - 9th EFCA International Symposium on Ultrafine Particles
At this year's symposium in Brussels, Peter Bächler among other things gave a presentation on the topic of wood combustion as a source of UFPs. He also gained an overview of various areas of research into ultrafine particles.
25.-26.03.2024 – Annual meeting of the DECHEMA "Gas Cleaning" specialist group
At this year's annual meeting of the "Gas Cleaning" specialist group, members of the working group presented results from a large number of ongoing research projects in Dresden. They also took the opportunity to look beyond the horizon of their own research projects.
14.03.2024 - daswetter
Daswetter refers to the guest article for the FAZ, in which Prof Dittler deals with the emissions from wood-burning stoves and their effect on breathing air quality in residential areas.
You can find the link to the article here.
16.02.2024 - heise-online
Prof. Dittler spoke to heise-online about how you can determine the concentration of particulate matter in the air you breathe in your own living environment.
02.01.2024 - Baden-TV Aktuell
Prof Dittler spoke to Baden - TV Aktuell on the subject of ‘fireworks’.
You can find the report from minute 04:30.