Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Meurer
- Head of Institute
- Head of the Digital Process Engineering Group
- Group:
- Office Hours:
nach Vereinbarung
- Room: 212
CS 40.50 - Phone: +49 721 608-41475
- thomas meurer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Engler-Bunte-Ring
76131 1b
05/2012 | Habilitation (venia docendi) in the field of control engineering and control theory at the Technical University of Vienna. Habilitation Thesis: "Contributions to Motion Planning and Tracking Control for Distributed- Parameter Systems in Single- and Higher-Dimensional Spatial Domains". |
07/2005 | Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.), University of Stuttgart. Thesis: "Feedforward and Feedback Tracking Control of Diffusion-Convection-. Reaction Systems using Summability Methods". |
03/2001 | Diploma in Process Engineering, University of Stuttgart |
12/2000 | M.Sc. in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA |
Professional career
02/2023-today | W3 Professor of Digital Process Engineering for Sustainable Materials and Energy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). |
11/2017 | Offered W3 professorship for Control and Automation of Production Processes at TU Dortmund |
11/2012-01/2023 | W3-Professor for Automation and Control, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany |
05/2012-today | Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology |
06/2007-11/2012 | Senior Researcher, Institute of Automation and Control Engineering, Vienna University of Technology Vienna |
10/2005-05/2007 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Systems Theory and Control Engineering, Saarland University, Saarbrücken. |
04/2001-09/2005 | Research Assistant, Institute for System Dynamics and Control Engineering, University of Stuttgart |
Awards and Prizes
2020 | Control Engineering Practice Paper Prize Award 2020 (with T. Böhm) of the Journals of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) |
2018 | Best Poster Award of the Bundesalgenstammtisch 2018, Karlsruhe (with P. Jerono, A. Schaum) |
2017 | IFAC Congress Best Interactive Paper Prize (with A. Schaum, H. Weisbarth), IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France |
2017 | Senior Member IEEE |
2016 | Keynote Paper (with co-authors A. Schaum, J. Alvarez, J. Moreno), IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS-CAB), Trondheim, Norway |
2012 | Cardinal Innitzer Fellowship Award for outstanding achievements in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering, Cardinal Innitzer Study Fund, Vienna, Austria |
2009 | Eugen Hartmann Prize of the Society for Measurement and Automation Technology (GMA), Association of German Engineers (VDI) |
Editorial activities
2018-present | Associate Editor Journal "Mathematical Control and Related Fields" |
2017-2022 | Associate Editor Journal "IEEE Control Systems Letters" |
2014-present | Associate Editor Journal "Automatica" |
2012-2017 | Associate Editor, IEEE-CSS Conference Editorial Board |
2017-2019 | Associate Editor Journal "Control Engineering Practice |
Involvement in the scientific system
2020-present | DFG review board member for the subject area 407-01 Automation Engineering, Control Systems, Robotics, Mechatronics, Cyber Physical Systems |
2019-2022 | Chair of IEEE CSS Distributed Parameter Systems Technical Committee. |
2017-2021 | Chair of the Technical Committee 1.40 "System Theory and Control Engineering " of the Society for Measurement and Automation (GMA), Association of German Engineers (VDI) |
2011-2017 | Chair and initiator of the IFAC Technical Committee 2.6 Distributed Parameter Systems |