In the lists below you will find the publications of MVM employees since about 2005, arranged by working groups.
Title | Authors | Source |
Flow velocity dependence of the pressure drop of oil mist filters | H.E. Kolb, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 166, 107-114, |
On the relationship of drop entrainment with bubble formation rates in oil mist filters | S. Wurster, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 179, 542-549 |
Title | Authors | Source |
A sustainable route for antibacterial nanofinishing of textiles | E. Hontañon, J. Meyer, M. Blanes, V. Cambra, X. Guo, M. Masuhr, A. Muntean, L. Santos, H. Nirschl, E. Kruis |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnologie, 2016, 4, DOI: 10.11159/ijtan.2016.003 |
Influence of filter operating parameters on fine dust emissions from pulse-cleaned filter bags | O. Kurtz, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Technology, 2016, 39, No.3, 435-443 |
Title | Authors | Source |
Influence of anion and cation on the vapor pressure of binary mixtures of water + ionic liquid and on the thermal stability of the ionic liquid | N. Merkel, C. Weber, M. Faust, K. Schaber |
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2015, 394, 29-37 |
Enhanced deposition by electrostatic field-assistance aggravating diesel exhaust aerosol toxicity for human lung cells | L.C. Stoehr, P. Madl, M.S.P. Boyles, R. Zauner, M. Wimmer, H. Wiegand, A. Andosch, G. Kasper, M. Pesch, U. Lütz-Meindl, M. Himly, A. Duschl |
Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 49, 8721-8730 |
Bubbling vs. blow-off - On the relevant mechanism(s) of drop entrainment from oil mist filter media | S. Wurster, J. Meyer, E.H. Kolb, G. Kasper |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 152, 70-79 |
An electrical conductivity based method of determining the particle deposition rate in air-liquid interface devices | H. Wiegand, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Toxicology in Vitro, 2015, 29 (5), 1100-1106 |
Detachment of droplets from cylinders in flow using an experimental analogue | C.J. Hotz, R. Mead-Hunter, T. Becker, A.J.C. King, S. Wurster, G. Kasper, B.J. Mullins |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2015, 771, 327-340 |
Measurement of oil entrainment rates and drop size spectra from coalescence filter media | S. Wurster, D. Kampa, J. Meyer, T. Müller, B.J. Mullins, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 132, 72-80 |
Quantification of interparticle forces by energy controlled fragmentation analysis | R. Wernet, A.G. Schunk, W. Baumann, H.-R. Paur, M. Seipenbusch |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2015, 84, 14-20 |
Size-dependent ROS production by palladium and nickel nanoparticles in cellular and acellular environments – An indication for the catalytic nature of their interactions | N. Neubauer, J. Palomaeki, P. Karisola, H. Alenius, G. Kasper |
Nanotoxicology, 2915, DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1019585 |
Film growth rates and activation energies for core-shell nanoparticles derived from a CVD based aerosol process | F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Materials, 2015, 8, 966-976, DOI: 10.3390/ma8030966 |
Coating thickness measurements on gas-borne nanoparticles by combined mobility and aerodynamic spectrometry | F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-014-2824-1 |
Validation of a new phenomenological “jump-and-channel” model for the wet pressure drop of oil mist filters | D. Kampa, S. Wurster, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 122, 150-160 |
Detection of airborne carbon nanotubes based on the reactivity of the embeded catalyst | N. Neubauer, G. Kasper |
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 12, 3, 182-188 |
Title | Authors | Source |
Defined polymer shells on nanoparticles via a continuous aerosol-based process | S. Sigmund, E. Akgün, J. Meyer, J. Hubbuch, M. Wörner, G. Kasper |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-014-2533-9 |
Highly controlled structuring of Pt nanoparticles on TiO2 and on ZrO2 by a modified MOCVD process | M. Faust, M. Seipenbusch |
Surface and Coatings Technology 2014, 259, 577-584 |
Low Reynolds number drag and particle collision efficiency of a cylindrical fiber within a parallel array | T. Müller, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2014, 77, 50-66 |
Pressure drop and liquid transport through coalescence filter media used for oil mist filtration | D. Kampa, S. Wurster, J. Buzengeiger, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2014, 58, 313-324 |
Impact of an oil coating on particle deposition and dust holding capacity of fibrous filters | T.K. Müller, J. Meyer, E. Thébault, G. Kasper |
Powder Technology, 2014, 253, 247-255 |
An aerosol-based process for electrostatic coating of particle surfaces with nanoparticles | S. Sigmund, M. Yu, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2014, 48, 142-149 |
Title | Authors | Source |
Synthesis of Pt/SiO2 catalyst nanoparticles from a continuous aerosol process using novel cyclo-octadienylplatinum precursors | M. Faust, M. Enders, K. Gao, L. Reichenbach, T. Muller, W. Gerlinger, B. Sachweh, G. Kasper, M. Bruns, S. Bräse, M. Seipenbusch |
Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2013, 19, 274-283-10, DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201207038 |
Simultaneous SWAXS study of metallic and oxide nanostructured particles | X. Guo, A. Gutsche, M. Wagner, M. Seipenbusch, H. Nirschl |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15, 1559 |
Size dependence of the ratio of aerosol coagulation to deposition rates for indoor aerosols | M. Yu, A.J. Koivisto, K. Hämeri, M. Seipenbusch |
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2013, 47, 427–434 |
Synthesis of nanostructured Pt/oxide catalyst particles by MOCVD process at ambient pressure | M. Faust, M. Enders, M. Bruns, S. Bräse, K. Gao, M. Seipenbusch |
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 230, 284-289 |
Synthesis of BI2O3/SIO2 core–shell nanoparticles by an atmospheric CVS/CVD process and their modification by hydrogen or electron-beam induced reduction | F. Weis, R. Schneider, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 230, 93-100 |
The relationship between pressure drop and liquid saturation in oil-mist filters - Prediting filter saturation using a capillary based model | R. Mead-Hunter, R.D. Braddock, D. Kampa, N. Merkel, G. Kasper, B.J. Mullins |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 104, 121-129 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of liquid aerosol coalescing filters | R. Mead-Hunter, A.J.C. King, G. Kasper, B.J. Mullins |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2013, DOI: |
Functionality based detection of airborne engineered nanoparticles in quasi real time: A new type of detector and a new metric | N. Neubauer, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2013, doi: 10.1093/annhyg/met007 |
Title | Authors | Source |
Charge dependent catalytic activity of gasborne nanoparticles | C. Peineke, P. Davoodi, M. Seipenbusch, A. Weber, A. Schmidt-Ott |
Journal of Nanoscience Nanotechnology, 2011,11, 8628-8633. |
Stabilization of supported Pd particles by the application of oxide coatings | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch |
Applied Catalysis A, 2011, 396, 1-7 |
Coke formation in steam reforming of natural gas over rhodium/alumina catalysts: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study using the oscillating friction mode | C. Eßmann, F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, T. Schimmel, O. Deutschmann |
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 2011, 225 (11-12), 1207-1224 |
Monitoring method for carbon nanotubes (CNT): Personal sampler and corresponding reading device | M. Keller, G. Kreck, Y. Holzapfel, N. Neubauer, M. Seipenbusch |
Kück, H.: 4M Association: 4M 2011, 8th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture. Proceedings: 8-10 November 2011, Stuttgart, Germany. |
An Aerosol-Process for the Synthesis of Nanostructured Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts by Integrated Chemical Vapour Synthesis/Chemical Vapour Deposition at Atmospheric Pressure | F. Weis, K. Gao, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11 (9), 8313-8317(5) |
In-vitro cell exposure studies for the assessment of nanoparticle toxicity in the lung - A dialogue between aerosol science and biology | H.-R. Paur, R. R. Cassee, J. Teeguarden, H. Fissan, S. Diabate, M. Aufderheide, W. G. Kreyling, O. Hänninen, G. Kasper, M. Riediker, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, O. Schmid |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2011, 42, 668-692 |
Transfer functions and penetrations of five differential mobility analyzers for sub-2 nm particle classification | J. Jiang, M. Attoui, M. Heim, N. A. Brunelli, P. H. McMurry, G. Kasper, R. C. Flagan, K. Giapis, G. Mouret |
Aerosol Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 480-492 |
Dimensional analysis of the cleaning pulse intensity in a surface filter test rig | J. Binnig, A. Bredin, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Powder Technology, 2011, 211, 275-279 |
Observation of structure sensitive decomposition of Cp(allyl)Pd on Pd nanodots formed by MO-CVD | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2011, 17 (1-3), 54-57 |
The effect of water vapor on the particle structure and size of silica nanoparticles during sintering | V. Goertz, F. Weis, E. Keln, H. Nirschl, M. Seipenbusch |
Aerosol Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 1287-1293 |
A highly sensitive technique for detecting catalytically active nanoparticles against a background of general workplace aerosols | N. Neubauer, F. Weis, A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 304 (1), doi:10.1088/1742-6596/304/1/012011 |
Title | Authors | Source |
Nanotechnologies, engineered nanomaterials and occupational health and safety - A review | K. Savolainen, L. Pylkkänen, H. Norppa, G. Falck, H. Lindberg, T. Tuomi, M. Vippola, H. Alenius, K. Hämeri, J. Koivisto, D. Brouwer, D. Mark, D. Bard, M. Berges, E. Jankowska, M. Posniak, P. Farmer, R. Singh, F. Krombach, P. Bihari, G. Kasper, M. Seipenbusch |
Safety Sci., 2010, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2010.03.006 |
Charge dependent catalytic activity of gasborne nanoparticles | C. Peineke, P. Davoodi, M. Seipenbusch, A. Weber, A. Schmidt-Ott |
J. Nanosc. Nanotechnol., accepted for publication 2010 |
Structure and density of deposits formed on filter fibers by inertial particle deposition and bounce | G. Kasper, S. Schollmeier, J. Meyer |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2010, 41, 1167-1182 |
Interparticle forces in silica nanoparticle agglomerates | M. Seipenbusch, S. Rothenbacher, M. Kirchhof, H.-J. Schmid, G. Kasper, A.P. Weber |
J. Nanoparticle Reseaerch, 2010, 12, 2037-2044 |
Risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnologies - A review | K. Savolainen, H. Alenius, H. Norppa, L. Pylkkänen, T. Tuomi, G. Kasper |
Toxicology, 2010, 269, 92-104 |
The efficiency of diffusional particle collection onto wire grids in the mobility equivalent size range of 1.2 to 8 nm | M. Heim, M. Attoui, G. Kasper |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2010, 41, 207-222 |
Sintering of Pd catalyst particles on SiO2-TiO2 carrier particles of different mixing ratios | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 7816-7821 |
Title | Author | Source |
The collection efficiency of a particle-loaded single filter fiber | G. Kasper, S. Schollmeier, J. Meyer, J. Hoferer |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2009, 40 (12), 993-1009 |
Reconstruction algorithms for the internal packing density distribution of fibrous filter media based on tomographic data | J. Hoferer, L. M. Hoffmann, J. Goebbels, G. Last, W. Weil, G. Kasper |
Filtration, 2009, 9 (2), 147-154 |
The influence of cake residence time on the stable operation of a high-temperature gas filter | N. Döring, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2009, 64/10, 2483-2490 |
Scalable numerical tools for the flow and pressure drop computation in fibrous filter media | F. Strauß, J. Hoferer, V. Heuveline, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2009, 32/2, 820-825 |
Structural stabilization of metal nanoparticles by chemical vapor deposition-applied silica coatings | M. Seipenbusch, A. Binder |
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 20606-20610 |
Kinetics and particle size effects in ethene hydrogenation over supported palladium catalysts at atmospheric pressure | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, M. Muhler, G. Kasper |
Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 268 (1), 150-155 |
Temperature dependence of the work function of free nanoparticle agglomerates | K. Reuter-Hack, G. Kasper, A.P. Weber |
Applied Physics A, 2009, 95, 629-634 |
Automated phase correction via maximization of the real signal | E. Hardy, J. Hoferer, D. Mertens, G. Kasper |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2009, 27/3, 393-400 |
Origin and mechanisms of dust emission from pulse-jet cleaning filter media | J. Binnig, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Powder Technology, 2009, 189/1, 108-114 |
Title | Authors | Source |
Integration of cyclones and an optical particle counter into a filter tester VDI-3926/Type 1 to characterize PM2.5 emissions form pulse-jet cleaned filter media | J. Binnig, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft, 65/4 (2006), 163-168 |
Comparison of surface filter test rigs according to VDI 3926 and JIS Z 8909-1 | J. Binnig, N. Mao, J. Meyer, M. Hata, G. Kasper, C. Kanaoka |
Filtration, 5/4 (2005), 253-258 |
Production and characterization of Pd/SiO2 catalyst nanoparticles from a continuous MOCVS/MOCVD aerosol process at atmopheric pressure | A. Heel, G. Kasper |
Aerosol Science and Technology, 39 (2005), 1027-1037 |
Electric fields coupled with ion space charge. Part 1: Measurements | J. Meyer, A. Marquard, M. Poppner, R. Sonnenschein |
Journal of Electrostatics 63 (2005), 775-780 |
Electric fields coupled with ion space charge. Part II: Computation | M. Poppner, R. Sonnenschein, J. Meyer |
Journal of Electrostatics 83 (2005), 781-787 |
Nanoparticle charging efficiencies and related charging conditions in a wire-tube ESP at DC energization | A. Marquard, M. Kasper, J. Meyer and G. Kasper |
Journal of Electrostatics, 2005, 63, 693-698 |
MRI as a key tool for understanding and modeling the filtration kinetics of fibrous media | M.J. Lehmann, E.H. Hardy, J. Meyer and G. Kasper | Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2005, 23 (2), Sp.Issue, 341-342 |
Fibrous Filters: Non-Invasive Determination of Local 3D Structure by MRI | M.J. Lehmann, E.H. Hardy, J. Meyer and G. Kasper |
Filtration, 2005, 5 (1), 62-67 |
Filtration Efficiency of Aerosol Particles Below 20 Nanometers | M. Heim, B. J. Mullins, M. Wild, J. Meyer and G. Kasper | Aerosol Science and Technology, 2005, 39, 782 - 789 |
Begutachtete Veröffentlichungen 2025 - Verfahrenstechnische Maschinen
Markert, A.; Rudszuck, T.; Gerasimov, M.; Krewer, U.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2025. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 129 (7), 3951–3958. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c08394
Winkler, M.; Peither, C.; Petrick, S.; Seidemann, L.; Jelich, H.; Kleine Jäger, F.; Müller-Quade, J.; Colsmann, A.; Nirschl, H.; Rhein, F.
2025. Advanced Science, 12 (5). doi:10.1002/advs.202409386
Schacht, H.; Trapp, L.; Föste, M.; Rothkopf, I.; Guthausen, G.
2025. Food Research International, 203, 115797. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2025.115797
Marquardt, J. E.; Eysel, B.; Sadric, M.; Rauh, C.; Krause, M. J.
2025. Journal of Food Engineering, 392, 112473. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2025.112473
Gerbig, F.; Kühn, J.; Nirschl, H.
2025. Energy Reports, 13, 105–116. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2024.11.077
Kontschak, L.; Gruschke, O.; Trapp, L.; Baser, H. N.; MacKinnon, N.; Rychen, P.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2025. AIChE Journal, 71 (4), Art.-Nr.: 18659. doi:10.1002/aic.18659
Reviewed publications 2023 - Process Machines
Poostforooshan, J.; Belbekhouche, S.; Olszok, V.; Stodt, M. F. B.; Simmler, M.; Bierwirth, M.; Nirschl, H.; Kiefer, J.; Fritsching, U.; Weber, A. P.
2023. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6 (24), 22660–22672. doi:10.1021/acsanm.3c03107
Moradipour, F.; Markert, A.; Rudszuck, T.; Röttgen, N.; Dück, G.; Finsterbusch, M.; Gerbig, F.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2023. Journal of Energy and Power Technology, 05 (04), 1–21. doi:10.21926/jept.2304032
Yildiz, T.; Wiechers, P.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiß, M.
2023. Next Energy, Art.-Nr.: 100082. doi:10.1016/j.nxener.2023.100082
Simmler, M.; Buchheiser, S.; Tischendorf, R.; Poostforooshan, J.; Weber, A. P.; Schmid, H.-J.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 15, Art.-Nr.: 100183. doi:10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100183
Rhein, F.; Zhai, O.; Schmid, E.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Powders, 2 (3), 588–606. doi:10.3390/powders2030037
Ullmann, K.; Fachet, L.; Nirschl, H.; Leneweit, G.
2023. Gels, 9 (10), 803. doi:10.3390/gels9100803
Jakob, L.; Baust, H. K.; Griesinger, L.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Separations, 10 (9), Art.Nr.: 511. doi:10.3390/separations10090511
Bohn, P.; Hirschberg, V.; Buchheiser, S.; Moatsou, D.; Nirschl, H.; Meier, M. A. R.
2023. Polymer Chemistry, 14 (41), 4765–4773. doi:10.1039/D3PY01052J
Bächle, V.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 47 (1), 192–199. doi:10.1002/ceat.202300249
Weber, N.; Schuhmann, S.; Tübke, J.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Energy Technology, 11 (10), Art.-Nr.: 2300565. doi:10.1002/ente.202300565
Trapp, L.; Schacht, H.; Eymann, L.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2023. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 54 (11-12), 1445–1462. doi:10.1007/s00723-023-01571-6
Weidinger, B.; Yang, G.; von Coelln, N.; Nirschl, H.; Wacker, I.; Tegeder, P.; Schröder, R. R.; Blasco, E.
2023. Advanced Science, 10 (28), Art.-Nr.: 2302756. doi:10.1002/advs.202302756
Yildiz, T.; Gegenheimer, J.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Processes, 11 (7), Art.-Nr.: 2076. doi:10.3390/pr11072076
Buchheiser, S.; Kistner, F.; Rhein, F.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Nanomaterials, 13 (12), Art.-Nr.: 1893. doi:10.3390/nano13121893
Dobler, T.; Buchheiser, S.; Gaschler, T.; Platzk, S.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiß, M.
2023. Processes, 11 (6), Art.-Nr.: 1847. doi:10.3390/pr11061847
Chauhan, A.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Energy Technology, 11 (8), Art.-Nr.: 2300281. doi:10.1002/ente.202300281
Sinn, T.; Menesklou, P.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiss, M.
2023. Chemical Engineering Science, 277, Art.-Nr.: 118858. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2023.118858
Rudszuck, T.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2023. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 61 (6), 380–385. doi:10.1002/mrc.5346
Dobler, T.; Höving, S.; Dreiser, C.; Gleiß, M.; Gröschen, M.; Henkel, A.; Hörne, M.; Schäfer, M.; Sonnenschein, J.; Wiese, G.; Wohlgemuth, K.; Kockmann, N.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 46 (7), 1511–1520. doi:10.1002/ceat.202200616
Wolf, A.; Baudrin, E.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Energy Technology, 11 (7), Article no: 2300175. doi:10.1002/ente.202300175
Gerbig, F.; Holzapfel, M.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 170 (4), Art.-Nr.: 040517. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/accab7
Schmid, E.; Rondeau, S.; Rudszuck, T.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2023. Sensors, 23 (5), Art.-Nr.: 2388. doi:10.3390/s23052388
Buchheiser, S.; Deutschmann, M. P.; Rhein, F.; Allmang, A.; Fedoryk, M.; Stelzner, B.; Harth, S.; Trimis, D.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Materials, 16 (5), 2009. doi:10.3390/ma16052009
Fränkle, B.; Stockert, M.; Sok, T.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Minerals, 13 (3), Art.-Nr.: 416. doi:10.3390/min13030416
Meza Gonzalez, J. F.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Energy Technology, 11 (6), Art.-Nr.: 2201517. doi:10.1002/ente.202201517
Werner, R. A.; Takacs, R.; Morsch, P.; Geier, D. U.; Nirschl, H.; Becker, T.
2023. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 46 (5), 873–881. doi:10.1002/ceat.202200468
Kern, S.; Lerner, R.; Schork, N.; Nirschl, H.; Heijnen, M.; Guthausen, G.
2023. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, 4, Art.-Nr.: 1083180. doi:10.3389/fceng.2022.1083180
Bukreev, F.; Raichle, F.; Nirschl, H.; Krause, M. J.
2023. Chemical Engineering Science, 270, Art._Nr.: 118485. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2023.118485
Yildiz, T.; Klein, S.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Drying Technology, 1–14. doi:10.1080/07373937.2022.2163497
Reviewed publications 2022 - Process Machines
Marquardt, J. E.; Römer, U. J.; Nirschl, H.; Krause, M. J.
2022. Particuology. doi:10.1016/j.partic.2022.12.005
Zhai, O.; Baust, H.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 95 (1-2), 189–198. doi:10.1002/cite.202200117
Haas, S.; Schmieg, B.; Wendlich, P.; Guthausen, G.; Hubbuch, J.
2022. Polymers, 14 (22), Article no: 5023. doi:10.3390/polym14225023
Ventura Silva, G.; Thomitzek, M.; Lippke, M.; Heckmann, T.; Karaki, H.; Lischka, C.; Möhlen, F.; Mayer, D.; Hagemeister, J.; Daub, R.; Fleischer, J.; Nirschl, H.; Schröder, D.; Scharfer, P.; Schabel, W.; Kwade, A.; Herrmann, C.
2022. Energy Technology, 11 (5), Art.-Nr.: 2200801. doi:10.1002/ente.202200801
Chauhan, A.; Asylbekov, E.; Kespe, S.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Electrochemical science advances, 3 (1), Art.Nr. e2100151. doi:10.1002/elsa.202100151
Skorych, V.; Buchholz, M.; Dosta, M.; Baust, H. K.; Gleiß, M.; Haus, J.; Weis, D.; Hammerich, S.; Kiedorf, G.; Asprion, N.; Nirschl, H.; Kleine Jäger, F.; Heinrich, S.
2022. Processes, 10 (10), Art.-Nr.: 2140. doi:10.3390/pr10102140
Asylbekov, E.; Mayer, J.; Nirschl, H.; Kwade, A.
2022. Energy Technology, 11 (5), Art.-Nr.: 2200867. doi:10.1002/ente.202200867
Mink, A.; Schediwy, K.; Posten, C.; Nirschl, H.; Simonis, S.; Krause, M. J.
2022. Energies, 15 (20), Art.-Nr.: 7671. doi:10.3390/en15207671
Winkler, M.; Rhein, F.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiss, M.
2022. Nanomaterials, 12 (18), Art.-Nr.: 3161. doi:10.3390/nano12183161
Rhein, F.; Nirschl, H.; Kaegi, R.
2022. Water Research X, 17, Art.-Nr.: 100155. doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2022.100155
Baust, H. K.; Hammerich, S.; König, H.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiß, M.
2022. Separations, 9 (9), Art.-Nr.: 248. doi:10.3390/separations9090248
Kaysan, G.; Rudszuck, T.; Trapp, L.; Balbierer, R.; Kind, M.; Guthausen, G.
2022. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Ed.: G. A. Webb, 47–93, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/bs.arnmr.2022.07.003
Kaysan, G.; Kräling, R.; Meier, M.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.; Kind, M.
2022. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 60 (12), 1131–1147. doi:10.1002/mrc.5305
Simmler, M.; Meier, M.; Rank, L.; Buth, G.; Plech, A.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (1), 949–957. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.002
Monti, J.; Concellón, A.; Dong, R.; Simmler, M.; Münchinger, A.; Huck, C.; Tegeder, P.; Nirschl, H.; Wegener, M.; Osuji, C. O.; Blasco, E.
2022. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (29), 33746–33755. doi:10.1021/acsami.2c10106
Häffele, F.; Jakob, L.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Separation and Purification Technology, 300, Art.Nr. 121698. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2022.121698
Schork, N.; Ibrahim, M.; Baksi, A.; Krämer, S.; Powell, A. K.; Guthausen, G.
2022. ChemPhysChem, 23 (19), Art.Nr. e202200215. doi:10.1002/cphc.202200215
Sonnick, S.; Nirschl, H.; Rädle, M.
2022. International Journal of Energy Research, 46 (13), 18394–18409. doi:10.1002/er.8453
Gretzinger, S.; Schmieg, B.; Guthausen, G.; Hubbuch, J.
2022. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, Art.-Nr.: 895842. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2022.895842
Hoffmann, M.; Iacob, C.; Kaysan, G.; Simmler, M.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.; Wilhelm, M.
2022. Polymers, 14 (12), Art.Nr. 2423. doi:10.3390/polym14122423
Fränkle, B.; Morsch, P.; Sok, T.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Mining, 2 (2), 425–437. doi:10.3390/mining2020022
Betz, M.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiss, M.
2022. Processes, 10 (4), Art.-Nr.: 627. doi:10.3390/pr10040627
Radel, B.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Crystals, 12 (5), Article no: 644. doi:10.3390/cryst12050644
Simmler, M.; Meier, M.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Materials, 15 (6), Art.-Nr.: 2124. doi:10.3390/ma15062124
Schmieg, B.; Gretzinger, S.; Schuhmann, S.; Guthausen, G.; Hubbuch, J.
2022. Biotechnology Journal, 17 (5), Art.-Nr.: 2100336. doi:10.1002/biot.202100336
Fränkle, B.; Morsch, P.; Kessler, C.; Sok, T.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Sustainability, 14 (6), Art.-Nr.: 3424. doi:10.3390/su14063424
Sonnick, S.; Erlbeck, L.; Meier, M.; Nirschl, H.; Rädle, M.
2022. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 187, Art.-Nr.: 122519. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.122519
Jakob, L.; Heinzmann, M.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Separation and Purification Technology, 278, Art.-Nr.: 119657. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119657
Reviewed publications 2021 - Process Machines
Morsch, P.; Fuchs, S.; Möhlendick, S.; Süsser, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Separation and Purification Technology, 277, Art.-Nr.: 119052. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119052
Morsch, P.; Möhlendick, L.; Süsser, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Separation and Purification Technology, 277, Art.-Nr.: 119444. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119444
Gerbig, F.; Cernak, S.; Nirschl, H.
2021. ECS transactions, 104, 123–130. doi:10.1149/10401.0123ecst
Rudszuck, T.; Zick, K.; Groß, D.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2021. Magnetic resonance in chemistry, 59 (8), 825–834. doi:10.1002/mrc.5155
Schuhmann, S.; Guthausen, G.
2021. Chemie in unserer Zeit, 55 (4), 236–250. doi:10.1002/ciuz.202000009
Rhein, F.; Kaiser, S.; Rhein, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Chemical engineering science, 238, Article no: 116577. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2021.116577
Betz, M.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiss, M.
2021. Minerals, 11 (7), Art.-Nr.: 663. doi:10.3390/min11070663
Dobler, T.; Radel, B.; Gleiss, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Crystals, 11 (6), 713. doi:10.3390/cryst11060713
Wetzel, T.; Bessler, W. G.; Kamlah, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Energy technology, 9 (6), Art.Nr. 2100246. doi:10.1002/ente.202100246
Balbierer, R.; Seegert, P.; Herberger, S.; Wetzel, T.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2021. Energy technology, 9 (6), Art.Nr. 2000579. doi:10.1002/ente.202000579
Schork, N.; Schuhmann, S.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2021. Journal of membrane science, 626, Article no: 119170. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119170
Tischendorf, R.; Simmler, M.; Weinberger, C.; Bieber, M.; Reddemann, M.; Fröde, F.; Lindner, J.; Pitsch, H.; Kneer, R.; Tiemann, M.; Nirschl, H.; Schmid, H.-J.
2021. Journal of aerosol science, 154, 105722. doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2020.105722
Rudszuck, T.; Nirschl, H.; Guthausen, G.
2021. Journal of magnetic resonance, 323, Article no: 106897. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2020.106897
Morsch, P.; Arnold, A.; Schulze, H.; Werner, R.; Anlauf, H.; Geier, D. U.; Becker, T.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Separation and purification technology, 256, Art.-Nr.: 117793. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2020.117793
Trunk, R.; Weckerle, T.; Hafen, N.; Thäter, G.; Nirschl, H.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Computation, 9 (2), Article no: 11. doi:10.3390/COMPUTATION9020011
Jesse Ross-Jones, J.; Gaedtke, M.; Sonnick, S.; Meier, M.; Rädle, M.; Nirschl, H.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Applied thermal engineering, 182, Article no: 116073. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.116073
Fränkle, B.; Morsch, P.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Paste 2021 : proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings : 21-23 September 2021. Ed.: A. Fourie, 25–30, Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG). doi:10.36487/ACG_repo/2115_03
Nirschl, H.; Winkler, M.; Sinn, T.; Menesklou, P.
2021. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 94 (3), 230–239. doi:10.1002/cite.202100059
Venu, A. C.; Nasser Din, R.; Rudszuck, T.; Picchetti, P.; Chakraborty, P.; Powell, A. K.; Krämer, S.; Guthausen, G.; Ibrahim, M.
2021. Molecules, 26 (24), 7481. doi:10.3390/molecules26247481
Simonis, S.; Haussmann, M.; Kronberg, L.; Dörfler, W.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 379 (2208), Art.-Nr.: 20200405. doi:10.1098/rsta.2020.0405
Betz, M.; Gleiss, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Processes, 9 (7), Art. Nr.: 1213. doi:10.3390/pr9071213
Menesklou, P.; Sinn, T.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiss, M.
2021. Minerals, 11 (7), 755. doi:10.3390/min11070755
Radel, B.; Nguyen, T. H.; Nirschl, H.
2021. AIChE journal, 67 (11), Art.-Nr.: e17378. doi:10.1002/aic.17378
Lam, Z.; Anlauf, H.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 44 (8), 1479–1487. doi:10.1002/ceat.202000615
Bächle, V.; Morsch, P.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Eng, 2 (2), 181–196. doi:10.3390/eng2020012
Bächle, V.; Morsch, P.; Fränkle, B.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Eng, 2 (2), 126–140. doi:10.3390/eng2020009
Haussmann, M.; Reinshaus, P.; Simonis, S.; Nirschl, H.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Fluids, 6 (4), 167. doi:10.3390/FLUIDS6040167
Ullmann, K.; Leneweit, G.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Pharmaceutics, 13 (5), 691. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics13050691
Fränkle, B.; Morsch, P.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Minerals Engineering, 168, Art.-Nr.: 106922. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2021.106922
Dobler, T.; Buchheiser, S.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Processes, 9 (4), 663. doi:10.3390/pr9040663
Maier, M.-L.; Patel, R. A.; Prasianakis, N. I.; Churakov, S. V.; Nirschl, H.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Physical Review E, 103 (3), Art.-Nr.: 033306. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.103.033306
Winkler, M.; Gleiss, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Nanomaterials, 11 (5), Art.-Nr.: 1114. doi:10.3390/nano11051114
Trunk, R.; Bretl, C.; Thäter, G.; Nirschl, H.; Dorn, M.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Computation, 9 (4), Art.-Nr.: 40. doi:10.3390/computation9040040
Dapelo, D.; Simonis, S.; Krause, M. J.; Bridgeman, J.
2021. Journal of Computational Science, 51, Art.-Nr.: 101363. doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2021.101363
Zarth, A.; Klemens, F.; Thäter, G.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 90, 46–54. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2021.02.016
Marquardt, J. E.; Arlt, C.-R.; Trunk, R.; Franzreb, M.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 89, 34–43. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2021.02.010
Menesklou, P.; Sinn, T.; Nirschl, H.; Gleiss, M.
2021. Minerals, 11 (2), 1–18. doi:10.3390/min11020229
Grisci, B. I.; Krause, M. J.; Dorn, M.
2021. Information Sciences, 559, 111–129. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2021.01.052
Siodlaczek, M.; Gaedtke, M.; Simonis, S.; Schweiker, M.; Homma, N.; Krause, M. J.
2021. Building and Environment, 192, Art.-Nr.: 107618. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107618
Asylbekov, E.; Trunk, R.; Krause, M.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Energy technology, 9 (6), Art.-Nr.: 2000850. doi:10.1002/ente.202000850
Gerbig, F.; Cernak, S.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Energy technology, 9 (6), Art.-Nr.: 2000857. doi:10.1002/ente.202000857
Wolf, A.; Flegler, A.; Prieschl, J.; Stuebinger, T.; Witt, W.; Seiser, F.; Vinnay, T.; Sinn, T.; Gleiß, M.; Nirschl, H.; Mandel, K.
2021. Chemical engineering and processing, 160, Art.-Nr.: 108310. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2021.108310
Romero-Valle, M. A.; Goniva, C.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Powder technology, 382, 351–363. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2020.11.083
Jakob, L.; Singer, J.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Chemical engineering science, 233, Art.-Nr.: 116391. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2020.116391
Morsch, P.; Anlauf, H.; Nirschl, H.
2021. Separation and purification technology, 254, Art. Nr.: 117549. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2020.117549
Krause, M. J.; Kummerländer, A.; Avis, S. J.; Kusumaatmaja, H.; Dapelo, D.; Klemens, F.; Gaedtke, M.; Hafen, N.; Mink, A.; Trunk, R.; Marquardt, J. E.; Maier, M.-L.; Haussmann, M.; Simonis, S.
2021. Computers and mathematics with applications, 81, 258–288. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2020.04.033
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Water-in-Fluorocarbon Nanoemulsions Stabilized by Phospholipids and Characterized for Pharmaceutical Applications | Ullmann, K., Meier, M., Benner, C., Leneweit, G., Nirschl, H. |
Applications. Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2020) |
Adsorption process for phospholipids of different chain lengths at a fluorocarbon/water interface studied by Du Noüy ring and spinning drop | Ullmann, K., Poggemann, L., Nirschl, H., Leneweit, G. |
Colloid Polymer Sciece 298, 407–417 (2020) |
Formation of Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals via the Benzylamine Route at Low Reaction Kinetics | Ungerer, J. T., A.-K., Garnweitner, G., Nirschl, H. |
Chemical Engineering & Technology 43(00): 1-8 (2020) |
Evaluation of the Dispersion Stability of AZO Mesocrystals for Their Processing into Functional Thin Films Using Small Angle X-Ray Scattering | Ungerer, J., Thurm, A.-K., Garnweitner, G., Nirschl, H. |
Crystalls 2020 10(5): 1-13 |
Adsorption process for phospholipids of different chain lengths at a fluorocarbon/water interface studied by Du Noüy ring and spinning drop | Ullmann, K., Poggemann, L., Nirschl, H., Leneweit, G. |
Colloid and Polymer Science 298: 407-417 (2020) |
Enzyme Scaffolds with Hierarchically Defined Properties via 3D Jet Writing | Steier, A., Schmieg, B., von Brenndorff, Y. I., Meier, M., Nirschl, H., Franzreb, M., Lahann, J.
Thermal accommodation in nanoporous silica for vacuum insulation panels | Sonnick, S., Meier, M., Ünsal-Peter, G., Erlbeck, L., Nirschl, H., Rädle, M. |
International Journal of Thermofluids 1-2(100012) (2020) |
Passive room conditioning using phase change materials–Demonstration of a long–term real size experiment | Sonnick, S., Erlbeck, L., Gaedtke, M., Wunder, F., Mayer, C., Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
International Journal of Energy Research 44.8. |
On relaxation systems and their relation to discrete velocity Boltzmann models for scalar advection–diffusion equations | Simonis, S., Frank, M., Krause, M. J. |
Physical and Engineering Sciences (2020) |
Characterization of biofilm distribution in hollow fiber membranes using Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Simkins, J. W., Schuhmann, S., Guthausen, G., Heijnen, M., Codd, S. L., Seymour, J. D. |
Journal of Membrane Science 594 (2020) |
Influence of the filter cloth and nozzles type on the in-situ cleaning procedure of filter presses | Morsch, P., Kühn, J., Werner, R., Anlauf, H., Geier, D. U., Becker, T., Nirschl, H. |
Chemical Engineering Science (2020) |
Influence of regeneration variables during backwashing treatment into gas-phase after liquid filtration | Morsch, P., Ginisty, P., Anlauf, H., Nirschl, H. |
Separation and Purification Technology 249(117073) (2020) |
Factors influencing backwashing operation in the liquid phase after cake filtration | Morsch, P., Ginisty, P., Anlauf, H., Nirschl, H. |
Chemical Engineering Science 213(115372) (2020) |
Description of the filter cloth deformation during backwashing filtration | Morsch, P., Bauer, M., Kessler, C., Anlauf, H., Nirschl, H. |
Separation and Purification Technology (2020) |
Dewatering of finely dispersed calcium carbonate-water slurries in decanter centrifuges: About modelling of a dynamic simulation tool | Menesklou, P., Nirschl, H., Gleiß, M. |
Separation and Purification Technology 251(117287) (2020) |
OpenLB—Open source lattice Boltzmann code | Krause, M., Kummerländer, A., Avise, S.J., Kusumaatmaja, H., Dapelo, D., Klemen, F., Gaedtke, M., Hafen, N., Mink, A., Trunk, R., Marquardt, J.E., Maier, M.-L., Haussmann, M., Simonis, S. |
Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2020) |
Solving fluid flow domain identification problems with adjoint lattice Boltzmann methods | Klemens, F., Förster, B., Dorn, M., Thäter, G., Krause, M. J. |
." Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79.1: 17-33 (2020) |
Noise reduction of flow MRI measurements using a lattice Boltzmann based topology optimisation approach | Klemens, F., Schuhmann, S., Balbierer, R., Guthausen, G., Thäter, G., Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Fluids 197(104391) (2020) |
Evaluation of a Near–Wall–Modeled | Haussmann, R., F., Jeppener,-Haltenhoff, J. B., Li, Y., Schmidt, M., Thäter, G. , Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
Large Eddy Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Analysis of Complex Flows Relevant to |
Galilean invariance study on different lattice Boltzmann fluid–solid interface approaches for vortex-induced vibrations | Haussmann, M., Hafen, N., Raichle, F. Trunk, R., , Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 80(5): 671-691 (2020) |
Modified shear cell for characterization of the rheological behavior of particulate networks under compression | Hammerich, S., Stickland, A. D., Radel, B., Gleiss, M., Nirschl, H. |
Particuology 51: 1-9 (2020) |
Total enthalpy–based lattice Boltzmann simulations of melting in paraffin/metal foam composite phase change materials | Gaedtke, M., Abishek, S., Mead-Hunter, R., King, A. J. C., Mullins, B. J., Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 155(119870) (2020) |
Use of 1H-NMR spectroscopy, diffusometry and relaxometry for the characterization of thermally-induced degradation of motor oils | Fraenza, C. C., Förster, E., Guthausen, G., Nirschl, H., Anoardo, E. |
Tribology Intetnational 153(106620) (2020) |
The application of Buckingham π theorem to Lattice-Boltzmann modelling of sewage sludge digestion | Dapelo, D., Trunk, R., Krause, M. J., Cassidy, N., Bridgeman, J. |
Computers & Fluids 209(104632) (2020) |
Spatially resolved lithium-ion battery simulations of the influence of lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt-oxide particle roughness on the electrochemical performance | Cernak, S. G., F., Kespe, M., Nirschl, H. |
Engergy Storage 156 (2020) |
Investigation of Transverse Relaxation Rate Distribution via Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Impact of Electrode Formation | Balbierer, R., Seeger, P., Herberger, S. , Wetzel, T., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Energy Technology (2020) |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Towards mitigation of particle/liquid separation problems by evolutionary technological progress | Anlauf, H. |
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 94: 10-17. |
*ARTIKEL* | ||
Evaluation of productive biofilms for continuous lactic acid production | Cuny, L., Pfaff, D., Luther, J., Ranzinger, F., Ödman, P., Gescher, J., Guthausen, G., Horn, H., Hille-Reichel, A. |
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 116(10): 2687-2697 |
Regularized inversion of the Laplace transform for series of experiments | Radel, B., Hardy, E., Djuric, Z., Mahlbacher, M., Michael Haist, M., HaraldS. Müller, H. |
Magn Reson Chem: 1-9 (2019) |
Towards Lattice-Boltzmann Modelling of Unconfined Gas Mixingin Anaerobic Digestion | Dapelo, D., Trunk, R., Krause, M.J. , Bridgeman, J. |
Computers&Fluids 180: 11-21 (2019) |
Monitoring of engine oil aging by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation and diffusion | Förster, E., Fraenza, C. C., Küstner, J., Anoardo, E., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Measurement Science and Technology 137(673) (2019) |
Numerical study on the application of vacuum insulation panelsand a latent heat storage for refrigerated vehicles with a large Eddylattice Boltzmann method | Gaedtke, M., Wachter, S., Kunkel, S., Sonnick, S., Rädler, M., Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
Heat and Mass Transfer: 1-3 |
Dynamics of Sodium Ions and Water in Swollen Superabsorbent Hydrogels as Studied by 23Na- and 1H-NMR | Guo, X., Theissen, S., Claussen, J.,Hildebrand, Kamphus, J., Wilhelm, M., Luy, B., Guthausen, G. |
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 220(2) (2019) |
Structure of Superabsorbent Polyacrylate Hydrogels and Dynamics of Counterions by NMR | Guo, X., Pfeifer, C., Wilhelm, M., Luy, B., Guthausen, G. |
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 220(10) (2019) |
NMR Studies of Biofilm Structures and Dynamics | Herrling, M. P., Lackner, S, Nirschl, H. ,Guthausen, G., Franzreb, M., Horn, H. |
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy: 163-213 (2019) |
Polyoxometalate-based high-spin cluster systems: a NMR relaxivity study up to 1.4 GHz/33 T | Ibrahim, M., Kramer, S., Schork, N., Guthausen, G. |
Dalton Transactions 48: 15597-15604 (2019) |
Three-Dimensional Simulation of Transport Processes within Blended Electrodes on the Particle Scale | Kespe, M., Cernak, S., Gleiß, M., Hammerich, S., Nirschl, H. |
International Journal of Engergy Research 43(13): 6762-6778 (2019 |
An Auto-Vecotorization Friendly Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Streaming Scheme for Direct Addressing | Mohrhard, M., Thäter, G., Bludau, J., Horvat, B., Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Fluids 181: 1-7 (2019) |
Factors Influencing Backwashing Operation in the Liquid Phase after Cake Filtration | Morsch, P. |
Chemical Engineering Science. |
Sedimentation of Lithium-Iron-Phosphate and Carbon Black Particles in Opaque Suspensions used for Lithium-Ion-Battery Electrodes | Balbierer, R., Gordon, R., Schuhmann, S., Willenbacher, N., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Journal of Materials Science |
Development of a growth model for aluminum-doped zinc | Ungerer, J., Thurm, A.-K., Meier, M., Klinge, M., Garnweitner, G., Nirschl, H. |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 21: 106-123 (2019) |
Correlation of pore size distribution with thermal conductivity of precipitated silica and experimental determination of the coupling effect | Sonnick, S., Meier, M., Ross-Jones, J., Erlbeck, L., Medina, I., Nirschl, H., Rädle, M. |
Applied Thermal Engineering 150: 1037-1045 (2019) |
Characterization and quantification of structure and flow in multichannel polymer membranes by MRI | Schuhmann, S., Simkins, J.W,Schork, N, Codd, S.L,Seymour,J. D., Heijnen, M., Saravia, F.,Horn, H., Nirschl, H.,Guthausen |
Journal of Membrane Science 570-571: 472-480 (2019) |
In situ measurement of deposit layer formation during skim milk filtration by MRI | Schork, N., Schuhmann, S., Nirschl, N., Guthausen, G. |
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 57: 738-748 (2019) |
Low-field NMR for quality control on oils | Rudszuck, T., Förster, E., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 57: 777-793 (2019) |
Conjugate heat transfer through nano scale porous media to optimize vacuum insulation panels with lattice Boltzmann methods | Ross-Jones, F., Gaedtke, M., Sonnick, S., Rädle, M., H Nirschl, H., MJ Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications (2019) |
Opportunities and challenges of magnetic seeded filtration in multidimensional fractionation | Rhein, F., Schmid, E., Esquivel, F., Nirschl, H. |
." Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91(00): 1-10 |
Magnetic seeded filtration for the separation of fine polymer particles from dilute suspensions: Microplastics | Rhein, F., Nirschl, H. |
Chemical Engineering & Science 207: 1278-1287 (2019) |
Collision case model for population balance equations in agglomerating heterogeneous colloidal systems:Theory and experiment | Rhein, F., Ruß, F., Nirschl, H. |
Collids and Surface A 572: 67-78 (2019) |
Determination of filtration and consolidation properties of protein crystal suspensions using analytical photocentrifuges with low volume samples | Radel, B., Funck, M., Nguyen, T.H., Nirschl, H. |
Chemical Engineering Science 196: 72–81 (2019) |
Renewable energy powered membrane technology: computational fluid dynamics evaluation of system performance with variable module size and fluctuating energy | Onorato, C., Gaedtke, M., Kespe, M., Nirschl, H., Schäfer, A. |
Separation and Purification Technology 220: 206-2016 (2019) |
Influence of the Carbon Black Dispersing Process on the Microstructure and Performance of Li-Ion Battery Cathodes | Meyer, J. K., Almar, L., Asylbekov, E., Haselrieder, W., Kwade, A., Weber, A., Nirschl, H |
Energy Technology (2019) |
Multi-scale characterization of precipitated silica | Meier, M., Sonnick, S., Asylbekov, E., Rädler, M., Nirschl, H. |
Powder Technology 354: 45-51 (2019) |
Roller discharge of thin film filter cakes from membranes: A key to the thin film filtration | Lam, Z., Anlauf, H., Nirschl, H. |
Separation and Purification Technology 221: 38-43 (2019) |
NMR Studies of Biofilm Structures and Dynamics." Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy | Herrling, M. P., Lackner, S, Nirschl, H. ,Guthausen, G., Franzreb, M., Horn, H. |
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy: 163-213 (2019) |
Large-eddy simulation coupled with wall models for turbulent channel flows at high Reynolds numbers with a lattice Boltzmann method –Application to Coriolis mass flowmeter | Haussmann, M., Claro Berreta, A., Lipeme Kouyi, G., Riviere, N., Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications (2019) |
Direct numerical simulation of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence – numerical experiments on stability, consistency and accuracy of distinct lattice Boltzmann methods | Haussmann, M., Simonis, S., Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (2019) |
Modellierung und Simulation von Vollmantelzentrifugen als ein Aspekt der voranschreitenden Digitalisierung in der Fest/Flüssig-Trennung | Hammerich, S., Gleiß, M., Nirschl, H. |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91(3): 215-227 (2019) |
Numerical study on the application of vacuum insulation panelsand a latent heat storage for refrigerated vehicles with a large Eddylattice Boltzmann method | Gaedtke, M., Wachter, S., Kunkel, S., Sonnick, S., Rädler, M., Nirschl, H., Krause, M. J. |
Heat and Mass Transfer: 1-3.(2019) |
Monitoring of engine oil aging by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation and diffusion | Förster, E., Fraenza, C. C., Küstner, J., Anoardo, E., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Measurement Science and Technology 137(673) (2019) |
Determination of Filtration and consolidation properties of protein crystal suspensions using analytical photocentrifuges with low volume samples | Radel, B., Funck, M., Nguyen, T. H., Nirschl, H |
Chem Eng Sci (2019) 196: 72-81
Polymer crystallization studied by hyphenated rheology techniques: RheoNMR, RheoSAXS, and RheoMicroscopy | Räntzsch, V., Özen, M. B., Ratzsch, K., Stellamanns, E., Sprung, M., Guthausen , G., Wilhelm, M. |
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 304(2) (2019) |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Sedimentation of lithium–iron–phosphate and carbon black particles in opaque suspensions used for lithiumion- battery electrodes | R. Balbierer, R. Gordon, S. Schuhmann, N. Willenbacher, H. Nirschl,G. Guthausen |
J Mater Sci (2019) 54:5682–5694 |
Reaction kinetics of polyfurfuryl alcohol bioresin and nanoparticles by 1H-NMR transverse relaxation measurements | Vargas, M. A., Scheubner, M., Guthausen, G. |
Polymer Composites published online 24 March 2017 (Wiley Online Library) 39: 3280-3288 |
*ARTIKEL* | ||
In‐situ characterization of deposits in ceramic hollow fiber membranes by compressed sensing RARE‐MRI | Schuhmann, S., Schork, N., Beller, K., Nirschl, N., Oerther, T., Guthausen, G. |
AIChE Journal 64(11), 2018 |
Characterization and quantification of structure and flow in multichannel polymer membranes by MRI | Schuhmann, S., Simkins, J., Schork, N., Codd, S., Seymour, J., Heijnen, M., Saravia, F., Horn, H., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Journal of Membrane Science 570-571: 472-480, 2018 |
MRI investigations of filtration: Fouling and cleaning processes | Schork, S., Schuhmann, S., Arndt, F., Schütz, S., Guthausen, G., Nirschl, H. |
Mesoporous Materials 269: 60-64, 2018
In situ measurement of deposit layer formation during skim milk filtration by MRI | Schork, N., Schuhmann, S., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2018 |
Conjugate heat transfer through nano scale porous media to optimize vacuum insulation panels with lattice Boltzmann methods | Ross-Jones, F., Gaedtke, M., Sonnick, S., Rädle, M., H Nirschl, H., MJ Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018 |
Polymer crystallization studied by hyphenated rheology techniques: RheoNMR, RheoSAXS, and RheoMicroscopy | Räntzsch, V., Özen, M. B., Ratzsch, K., Stellamanns, E., Sprung, M., Guthausen , G., Wilhelm, M. |
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2018 |
Polymer crystallinity and crystallization kinetics via benchtop 1H NMR relaxometry: Revisited method, data analysis, and experiments on common polymers | Räntzsch, V., Haas, M., Özen, M. B., Ratzsch, K.-F., Riazi, K., Kauffmann-Weiss, S., Palacios, J. K., Müller, A. J., Vittorias, I., Guthausen, G., Wilhelm, M. |
Polymer 145: 162-173 , 2018 |
On the stability and accuracy of the BGK, MRT and RLB Boltzmann schemes for the simulation of turbulent flows |
Nathen, P., Gaudlitz,D., Krause, M. J., Adams, N. A. |
J. Commun. Comput. Phys 23: 846-876, 2018 |
Adaptive filtering for the simulation of turbulent flows with lattice Boltzmann methods | Nathen, P., Haussmann, M., Krause, M. J., Adams, N. A. |
Computers & Fluids 172, 2018 |
Formation of porous silica nanoparticles at higher reaction kinetics | Meier, M., Ungerer, J., Klinge, M., Nirschl, H. |
Powder Technology 339: 801-808, 2018 |
Fluid flow simulations verified by measurements to investigate adsorption processes in a static mixer | ||
Influence of Filtration on the Agglomeration Degree of Two Crystalline Amino Acids | Löbnitz, L., Böser, M., Nirschl, H. |
." Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90(4): 464-471, 2018 |
Solid Fat Content Determination of Dispersed Lipids by Time-Domain NMR | Linke, C., Guthausen,G., Flöter, F., Drusch, S. |
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 1700132: 1-8, 2018 |
Everyone Is a Protagonist: Residue Conformational Preferences in High-Resolution Protein Structures | Ligabue-Braun, R., Borguesan, B. , Verli, H., Krause, M. J., Dorn, M. |
Journal of Computational Biology 25(4): 451-465, 2018 |
Construction of a temperature controlled Rheo-NMR measuring cell – Influence of fluid dynamics on PMMA-polymerization kinetics |
Laryea, E., Schuhardt,N., Guthausen, G., Oerther, T., Kind, M. |
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 269: 65-70, 2018 |
Solving fluid flow domain identification problems with adjoint lattice Boltzmann methods | Klemens, F., Förster, B., Dorn, M., Thäter, G., Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018 |
CFD-MRI: A coupled measurement and simulation approach for accurate fluid flow characterisation and domain identification | Klemens, F., Schuhmann, S., Guthausen, G., Thäter, G., Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Fluids 166: 218-224, 2018 |
Flowing Liquids in NMR: Numerical CFD Simulation and Experimental Confirmation of Magnetization Buildup | Kespe, M., Förster, E., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Applied Magnetic Resonance 49(7): 687-705, 2018 |
Towards the simulations of inertial dense particulate flows with a volume-averaged lattice Boltzmann method | Höcker, S. B., Trunk, R., Dörfler, W., Krause, M. J. |
Computers & Fluids 166: 152-162, 2018 |
Separation von Starterkulturen nach Hochdruck-Homogenisierung | Häffele, F., Jaros, D., Mende, S., Rohm, H., Nirschl, H. |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90(7), 2018 |
Topological Insight into Superabsorbent Hydrogel Network Structures: a 1H Double-Quantum NMR Study | Guo, X., Theissen, S., Claussen, J., Hildebrand, V., Kamphus, J., Wilhelm, M., Luy, B., Guthausen, G. |
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 219, 2018 |
Dynamics of Sodium Ions and Water in Swollen Superabsorbent Hydrogels as Studied by 23Na- and 1H-NMR | Guo, X., Theissen, S., Claussen, J., Hildebrand, V., Kamphus, J., Wilhelm, M., Luy, B., Guthausen, G. |
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 1800350: 1-11, 2018 |
Characterisation of structured and functionalisedparticles by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) | Guo, X., Nirschl, H. |
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 136: 431-446, 2018 |
Application of a lattice Boltzmann method combined with a Smagorinsky turbulence model to spatially resolved heat flux inside a refrigerated vehicle. |
Gaedtke, M., Wachter, S., Rädle, M., Nirschl, H., Krause, M |
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 76: 2315-2329, 2018 |
Magnetic Phase Transition in Spark-Produced Ternary LaFeSi Nanoalloys | Feng, F., Geutjens, R., Thang, N. V., Li, J., Guo, X., Kéri, A., Basak, S., Galbács, G., Biskos, G., Nirschl, H., Zandbergen, H. W., Ekkes Brück,E., Andreas Schmidt-Ott, A. |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10: 6073−6078, 2018 |
Monitoring of engine oil aging by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation and diffusion | E. Förster, C. C. F., J. Küstner, E. Anoardo, H. Nirschl, G. Guthausen |
Measurement Science and Technology, 2018 |
Three-dimensional protein structure prediction based on memetic algorithms. |
de Lima Corrêa, L., Borguesan, B., Krause, M. J., Dorn, M |
Computers & Operations Research 91: 160-177, 2018 |
Sedimentation of Lithium-Iron-Phosphate and Carbon Black Particles in Opaque Suspensions used for Lithium-Ion-Battery Electrodes. | Balbierer, R., Gordon, R., Schuhmann, S., Willenbacher, N., Nirschl, H., Guthausen, G. |
Journal of Materials Science, 2018 |
Microfiber filter performance prediction using a lattice Boltzmann method. | Augusto, L., Ross-Jones, J., Lopes, G. C., Tronville, P., Gonçalves, J., Krause, M. J. |
Commun Comput Phys 23: 910-931 |
Fest/Flüssig-Trennung | Anlauf, H. |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90(12): 1929-1938 |
DEM simulations:mixing of dry and wet granular material with different contact angles | Steffen Schmelzle · Herrmann Nirschl |
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018 |
Modelling of partially wet particles in DEM simulations of a solid mixing process | Schmelzle, S., Asylbekov, E., Radel, B., Nirschl, H. |
Powder Technology, 2018, 338, S. 354-364 |
Separation von Starterkulturen nach Hochdruck-Homogenisierung | Häffele, F., Mende, S., Jaros, D., Rohm, H., Nirschl, H. |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 202, 21 - 26 |
Relationship between shear energy input and sedimentation properties of exopolysaccharide producing Streptococcus thermophilus strains | Häffele, F., Mende, S., Jaros, D., Rohm, H., Nirschl, H. |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 202, 21 - 26 |
Sher treatment of starter culture medium improves separation behavior of Streptococcus thermophilus cells | Jaros, D., Mende, S., Häffele, F., Nachtigall, C., Nirschl H., Rohm H. |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2018 |
"Influence of Filtration on the Agglomeration Degree of Two Crystalline Amino Acids." | Löbnitz, L., Böser, M., Nirschl, H. |
." Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90(4): 464-471.
An Efficient Numerical Approach for Transient Simulation of Multiphase Flow Behavior in Centrifuges. | Hammerich, S., Gleiß, M., Kespe, M., Nirschl, H. |
Chemical Engineering & Technology, 41(1), 44-50 |
Title | Image | Source | Short Description |
DEM-Simulation of the Magnetic Field Enhanced Cake Filtration | AIChE Journal,58,3633-3644 (2012) |
Dipolar openable Halbach magnet designe for High-Gradient Magnetic Filtration | Separation and Purification Technology 105 (2013) 114-120 |
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study of the Formation of Colloidal SiO2 Stöber Multiplets | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 26938−26946 |
Abstract: The present publication focuses on the specific synthesis of SiO2 multiplets by the sol−gel process according to Stöber. The experiments were analyzed by means of smallangle X-ray scattering and TEM. To evaluate the experimental scattering data of various aggregate structures (multiplets), simulations had to be performed first in order to study theinfluence of the multiplet structures on the scattering data. It was shown that the nonisometry ratio QNI proposed by us, the quotient of two different gyration radii Rg,Guinier/Rg,qmax1, allows for a very simple and rapid evaluation of the multiplet structure. For the production of multiplet structures, ammonia concentration was varied while keeping the other process parameters constant. At low catalyst concentrations, the aggregate structures desired were synthesized due to low stabilization of primary particles. With increasing ammonia concentration, single, nonaggregated particles were obtained. A defined primary particle size was achieved by an adaptation of the precursor concentration and the reaction temperature. The multiplet structures were evaluated by determining the ratio QNI from the experimental scattering data. In order to evaluate the primary particle size distributions, the curves of the aggregate structures were fitted using previously performed simulations. The results obtained from the scattering data were in good agreement with the TEM images. |
Analysis of W1/O/W2 double emulsions with CLSM: Statistical image processing for droplet size distribution | Chemical Engineering Science 81 (2012), 84-90 |
Online Coupling of Size-Exclusion Chromatography and Low-Field 1H NMR Spectroscopy | Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 213 (2012) 18, 1933-1943 |
Polystyrene Solutions: Characterization of Molecular Motional Modes by Spectrally Resolved Low- and High-Field NMR Relaxation | Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 213 (2012) 17, 1833-1840 |
Novel Single Stage Wash Sedimentator for Purification and Separation of Small Particles | Chemical Engineering & Technology 35 (2012), 1-7 |
Screening of Colloids by Semicontinuous Centrifugation | Chemical Engineering & Technology 35 (2012), 1-10 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) Applied to Centrifuges* | Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics, Edited by Hyoung Woo Oh, ISBN 9789535102717, Chapter 6, S. 97-134 |
Filter Cake Washing of Mesoporous Particles | Chemical Engineering & Technology 35 (2012) 4, 661-667 |
1H NMR Techniques for Characterization of Water Content and Viscosity of Fast Pyrolysis Oils | Energy Fuels 2012, 26, 5274-5280 |
Treatment of highly viscous lubricants by high gradient magnetic separation | Filtration 12 (2012) 2, S. 103-108 |
Evolution in der Trenntechnik – technische Entwicklung durch Mutation und Selektion | F & S Filtrieren und Separieren Global Guide 2012 – 2014, S. 230 - 238 |
Evolution in Separation – Technical Development by Mutation and Selection | F & S Filtrieren und Separieren Global Guide 2012 – 2014, S. 172 – 180 |
Considerations on the design of flow cells in by-pass systems for process analytical applications and its influence on the flow profile using NMR and CFD | Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 318-326 | ||
Auf dem Weg zur Obnline-Rheo-TD-NMR in Bypassleitungen zur Analyse von (Batch-)Polymerisationsprozessen | Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84 (2012) 1-2, 1-8 |
Process and reaction monitoring by low-field NMR spectroscopy | Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 60 (2012), 52-70 |
In-situ investigations on the curing of a polyester resin | Polymer Testing 31 (2012) 127–135 |
NMR on emulsions: Characterisation of liquid dispersed systems | Magn. Reson. Chem. 49 (2011) 93–104 |
Mechanical solid-liquid separation processes and techniques | Modern Drying Technology Volume 4, Edited by Evangelos Tsotsas, Arun S. Mujumdur, ISBN: 979-3-527-31559-8, Chapter 2, S. 47- 94 |
Wet particle classification below 1 µm – challenge for basic research and technical development | Filtration 11 (4) 2011, 223-229 |
SEC-MR-NMR: Online Coupling of Size Exclusion Chromatography and Medium Resolution NMR Spectroscopy | Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2011, 32, 665-670 |
Removal of magnetite particles and lubricant contamination from viscous oil by High-gradient Magnetic Separation Technique | Separation and Purification Technology (2011), 10.1016/j.seppur.2011.07.035 |
Primary charge effects on prolate spheroids with moderate aspect ratios | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 363 (2011) 690-702 |
Experimental study of gas-dynamically induced nanoparticles synthesis by use of adapted sampling probes | Chemical Engineering and Processing 50 (2011) 836-845 |
The Effect of Water Vapor on the Particle Structure and Size of Silica Nanoparticles During Sintering | Aerosol Science and Technology, 45: 1287-1293, 2011 |
Stokesian dynamics and the settling behaviour of particle–fibre-mixtures | The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, (2011), 89: 682–690. doi: 10.1002/cjce.20415 |
Discontinuous powder mixing of nanoscale particles | Chemical Engineering Journal 167 (2011) 377-387 |
Recovery of Iysozyme from hen egg white by selective magnetic cake filtration | Eng. Life Sci. 2011, 11, No. 1, 1-9 |
An Integral Approach to Master Physicochemical Properties in the Solid Chain of a Colloidal Pharmaceutical Product | Separation Science and Technology, (2011), 46: 1–8, |
Microscopic Measurement of the Homogeneity of Nanoscale Mixtures | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 877-882 |
A novel approach for determining the flow patterns in centrifuges by means of Laser-Doppler-Anemometry | Chemical Engineering Science 66 (2011), 4020 - 4028 |
Experimental and analytical modeling of the filtration mechanisms of a paper stack candle filter | Chemical Engineering Research and Design (2011) doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2003.10.071 |
Title | Source | Author |
Simulation der Schichtdickenverteilung bei elektrotauchemaillierten Bauteilen. | Email Mitteilungen des deutschen Email Verbandes e.V., 5/2010:76{80, 2010. |
Investigation of the nonlinear effects during the sedimentation process of a charged colloidal particle by direct numerical simulation | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 344 (2010) 228–236 |
F. Keller, M. Feist, H. Nirschl, W. Dörfler |
Mixing Agglomeration in a High-Shear Mixer with a Stirred Mixing Vessel | Chemical Engineering & Technology 33 (210) 2, 321-326 |
B. Daumann, X. Sun, H. Anlauf S. Gerl, H. Nirschl |
Cake Filtration beyond the Possibilities of today`s Filter Press-continuous ultratin Film Filtration | Global Guid of Filtration and Seperation Industry, VDL- Publishing Hous, Rödermark (2010) 142-148, ISBN: 978-3-00-029751-9 |
H. Anlauf |
Adaption of Optimum Washing Strategies to Product and Process Parameters in Centrifugal Processes | Chemical Engineering & Technology, 33 (2010) 8, 1311-1314 |
F. Ruslim, A. Erk, T. Danner, V. Wenzel, H. Nirschl |
Efficiency Optimization and Prediction in High-Gradient Magnetic Centrifugation | Chemical Engineering & Technology, 33 (2010) 8, 1315-1320 |
J. Lindner, K. Wagner, C. Eichholz, H. Nirschl |
Agglomeration and filtration of colloidal suspensions with DVLO interactions in simulation and experiment | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 349 (2010) 1, 186-195 |
B. Schäfer, M. Hecht, J. Harting, H. Nirschl |
*ARTIKEL* | Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 23, 6320-6326 |
B. Schäfer, H. Nirschl |
Ein Spektrometer für die spektral aufgelöste Niederfeld-NMR | Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 10, 1155 (2010) |
M. Cudaj, G. Guthausen, A. Kamlowski, D. Maier, T. Hofe, M. Wilhelm |
PFG-NMR on W1/O/W2-Emulsions: Evidence for Molecular Exchange between Water Phases | Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 112, 828 (2010) |
X. Guan, K. Hailu, G. Guthausen, F. Wolf, R. Bernewitz, H. P. Schuchmann |
On-line Low Field 1H-NMR Spectroscopy: monitoring of emulsion polymerization of butyl acrylate | Macromolecules, 43, 5561 (2010) |
M. A. Vargas, M. Cudaj, K. Hailu, K. Sachsenheimer, G. Guthausen |
In-situ Characterization of the Cure Reaction of HTPB and IPDI by Simultaneous NMR and IR Measurements | Polymer Testing, 29, 513 (2010) |
K. Hailu, G. Guthausen, W. Becker, A. König, A. Bendfeld, E. Geissler |
Classification of Fine Particles in High-Speed Centrifuges | Chemical Engineering & Technology, Special Issue: Mechanical Solid Liquid Separation 33 (2010), 1276-1282 |
L. E. Spelter, H. Nirschl |
*ARTIKEL* | ||
*ARTIKEL* | ||
Processing of dispersions containing fine particles or biological products in tubular bowl centrifuges | Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010), 4173-4181 |
L. E. Spelter , A. Steiwand, H. Nirschl |
Title | Author | Source |
Investigation of hydrogenation of toluene to methylcyclohexane in a trickle bed reactor by low field NMR spectroscopy | G. Guthausen, A. von Garnier, R. Reimert |
Appl. Spectr., 63 (10), 1121 (2009) |
Preparation of W1/O/W2-Emulsions and Droplet-Size Distribution Measurements by Pulsed Field Gradient Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PFG-NMR technique) | F. Wolf, L. Hecht, H. P. Schuchmann, E. H. Hardy, G. Guthausen |
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 111, 730 (2009) |
*ARTIKEL* | ||
Analysis of the porosity of filter cakes obtained by filtraton of colloid suspensions | M. Hieke, J. Ruland, H. Anlauf, H. Nirschl |
Chemical Engineering Technology (2009) 32,No. 7, 1095-1101, DOI: 10.1002/ceat.200800609 |
Feststoffmischen im diskontinuierlichen Mischbetrieb mit bewegten Mischwerkzeugen | B. Daumann, H. Nirschl |
A new magnetic filter for selective bio separation | C. Eichholz, M. Stolarski, H. Nirschl
Filtration Vol. 9, Nr. 3, (2009) 213-218 |
Multiphase CFD Simulation of a Solid Bowl Centrifuge | X. Romani Fernandez, H. Nirschl |
Chemical Engineering Technology (2009) 32,No. 5, 719-725, DOI: 10.1002/ceat.200800531 |
Sedimentationsuntersuchungen zum Trennverhalten von Faser-Partikel-Suspensionen | M. Feist, G. Hirsch, H. Nirschl |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 81 (2009) 6. Doi: 10.1002/cite.200800173 |
Determination of the energy consumption during the production of various concrete recipes | B. Daumann, H. Anlauf, H. Nirschl |
Cement and Concrete Research 39 (2009), 590-599. Doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2009.04.001 |
Influence of pH and Compression on Electrohydrodynamic Effects in Nanoporous Paked Beds | B. Schäfer, H. Nirschl |
Physical Separation in Science and Engineering (2009), Aritcle ID 817135, 8 Pages, DOI.: 10.1155/2009/817135 |
Evaluation of pathways for washing soluble solids | F. Ruslim, B. Hoffner, H. Nirschl, W. Stahl |
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Elsevier (2009) DOI.: 10.1016/j.cherd.2009.01007 |
Developments in Time Domain and Single Sides NMR | G. Guthausen, A. Kamlowski | Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science, Challenges in a changing world (2009) |
Comparison of Nanometric Particle Size Distributions as Determined by SAXS, TEM and Analytical Ultracentrifuge | Verena Goertz, Nico Dingenouts, Hermann Nirschl |
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization |
The Influence of Temporal Cake Moisture Content on a Discontinuous Washing Process in the Centrifugal Field | F. Ruslim, H. Nirschl, W. Stahl |
AIChE Journal, DOI 10.1002/aic, März 2009, 650-662 (2009) |
Determination of the mixing time in a discontinuous powder mixer by using image analysis | B. Daumann, A. Fath, H. Anlauf, H. Nirschl |
Title | Author | Source |
Investigations on the Separation Efficiency of Tubular Bowl Centrifuges | S. Stahl, L.-E. Spelter, H. Nirschl |
Chem. Eng. Tech. 31 (2008) 11, 1577-1583 |
Die selektive Magnetseparation auf dem Sprung in eine Industrielle Umsetzung | H. Nirschl, M. Stolarski, C. Eichholz, K. Keller |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80 (2008) 9, 1413 |
Mechanische Flüssigkeitsabtrennung in der Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik | H. Anlauf, H. Nirschl |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80 (2008) 8, 1035-1044 |
Magnetic field enhanced cake filtration of superparamagnetic PVAc-particles | C. Eichholz, M. Stolarski, V. Goertz, H. Nirschl |
Chemical Engeneering Science 63 (2008) 3293-3200, DOI:10.1016/j.ces.2008.03.034 |
Surface Rheology and Phase Transitions of Monolayers of Phospholipid/Cholesterol Mixtures | M. Vrânceanu, K. Winkler, H. Nirschl, G. Leneweit |
Biophysical Journal Volume 9, May 2008, 3924-3934 |
Assessment of the Mixing efficiency of Solid Mixtures by Means of Image Analysis | B. Daumann, H. Nirschl |
Powder Technology 182 (2008) 415-423, DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2007.07.2006 |
Physicochemical influences on electrohydrodynamic transport in compressible packed beds of colloidal boehmite particles | B. Schäfer, H. Nirschl |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 318 (2008) 457-462 |
Distinghuishing between aggregates and agglomerates of flame-made TiO2 by high-pressure dispersion | A. Teleki, R. Wengeler, L. Wengeler, H. Nirschl, S. E. Pratsinis |
Powder Technology 181 (2008) 292-300 |
Title | Author | Source |
Experimental Results for the Settling Behaviour of Particle-Fiber Mixtures | Markus Feist, Hermann Nirschl, Jörg Wagner, Georg Hirsch, Samuel Schabel |
Physical Separation in Science and Engineering, vol. 2007, Article ID 91740, 6 pages, 2007. doi:10.1155/2007/91740 |
Filtermedien zur Kuchenfiltration - Schnittstelle zwischen Suspension und Apparat | Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79 (2007) 2, 1821 |
Einfluss der Physikochemie auf die Abtrennung nanoskaliger Partikel aus Flüssigkeiten | H. Nirschl |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79 (2007) 11, 1797-1807, DOI: 10.1002/cite.200700107 |
Einfluss der Slazkonzentration auf das rheologische Verhalten wässriger anorganischer Suspensionen bei der Filtration | M. Hieke, H. Nirschl |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79 (2007) 11, 1939-1944, DOI: 10.1002/cite.200700112 |
Prozessstrategien zur optimalen Reinigungsfähigkeit am Beispiel des Titus-Zentrifugentrockners TZT 400 | S. Stahl, J. Ruland, H. Nirschl |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79 (2007) 11, 1959-1986, DOI: 10.1002/cite.200700134 |
Calcium-Ion Removal from Peat by a Mechanical Filter Cake Washing Process | F. Ruslim, H. Nirschl, A. Mezhibor, L. Rikhvanov |
Chem. Eng. Technol. 30 (2007) 8, 1055-1061 |
Sedimentation acceleration of remanent iron oxide by magnetic flocculation | M. Stolarski, Ch. Eichholz, B. Fuchs, H. Nirschl |
China Particuology 5 (2007) 145-150, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpart.2007.01.005 |
Surface rheology of monolayers of phospholipids and cholesterol measured with axisymmetric drop shape analysis | M. Vrânceanu, K. Winkler, H. Nirschl, G. Leneweit |
Colloids and Surface A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 311 (2007) 140-153, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2007.06.008 |
Optimization of the wash liquor flow rate to improve washing of pre-deliquored filter cakes | F. Ruslim, H. Nirschl, W. Stahl, Ph. Carvin |
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 3951-3961 |
A Microbiological Test Method to Determine the Cleanability of Filter Media in Solid-Liquid-Separation Applications | S. Stahl, S. Siggelkow, H. Nirschl | Eng. Life Sci. 7 (2007) 2, 136 - 142 |
Magnetfeldüberlagerte Pressfiltration | Ch. Eichholz, M. Stolarski, B. Fuchs, H. Nirschl | Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79 (2007) 4, 416 - 420 |
Characterizing Dispersion and Fragmentation of Fractal, Pyrogenic Silica Nanoagglomerates by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering | R. Wengeler, F. Wolf, N. Dingenouts, H. Nirschl | Langmuir (2007) DOI:10.1021/la063073q |
Turbulent hydrodynamic stress induced dispersion and fragmentation of nanoscale agglomerates | R. Wengeler, H. Nirschl |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 306 (2007) 262 - 273 |
Einflüsse auf die elektroosmotische Durchströmung von nanoporösen Haufwerken | B. Schäfer, H. Nirschl |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79 (2007) 1-2, 161 - 166 |
Nanofluidics in filtration and particle processing | H. Nirschl, R. Wengeler, B. Schäfer |
Filtration 7 (2007) 1, 67 - 74 |
Overview and recent developments in effective particle decontamination by washing processes | H. Anlauf |
Filtration 7 (2007) 1, 20 - 25 |
Title | Author | Source |
Newtonian and non-Newtonian low Re number flow through bead packings | D. Mertens, C. Heinen, E. H. Hardy |
Chemical Engineering & Technology 29 (2006) 7, 828 - 831 |
Filtration of colloidal suspensions - MRI investigation and numerical simulation | A. Erk, E. H. Hardy, T. Althaus |
Chemical Engineering & Technology 29 (2006) 7, 828 - 831 |
Magnetic field enhanced press-filtration | M. Stolarski, B. Fuchs, S. Bogale Kasse, Ch. Eichholz, H. Nirschl |
Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 6395-6403 |
Magnetic field enhanced cake filtration | B. Fuchs, M. Stolarski, W. Stahl, H. Nirschl | Filtration 6 (2006) 4, 333-339 |
Recent Developments in Research and Machinery of Solid-Liquid Separation Processes | H. Anlauf | Drying Technology 24 (2006) 1235-1241 |
Filterkuchenwäsche zur Aufreinigung löslicher kristalliner Feststoffpartikel | F. Ruslim, J. Fleischer, H. Nirschl, U. Peuker |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 78 (2006) 6, 715-719 |
Comparison of Comminution by Impact of Particle Collectives and Other Grinding Processes | A. Weber, U. Teipel, H. Nirschl |
Chem. Eng. Technol. 29 (2006) 5, 642-648 |
High-Pressure Liquid Dispersion and Fragmentation of Flame-Made Silica Agglomerates | R. Wengeler, A. Telki, M. Vetter, S. E. Pratsinis, H. Nirschl |
Langmuir 22 (2006), 4928-4935 |
Particle deposition from aerosol flow inside a T-shaped micro-mixer | M. Heim, R. Wengeler, H. Nirschl and G. Kasper | Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2006, 16, 70-76 |
Studies on a micro hydrocyclone for liquid-liquid separation | R. Wengeler, H. Nirschl, F. Herbstritt, W. Ehrfeld |
Filtration 6 (2006) 1, 21-26 |
Title | Source | Author |
Distinction between Electrostatic and Electroviscous Effects on the Permeability of Colloidal Packed Beds | Chem. |
B. Schäfer, H. Nirschl |
Overlapping grids for the simulation of particle interaction at the micro scale | China Particuology 3 (2005) 1-2, 60-67 | H. Nirschl |
Title | Author | Source |
Fluidization of Highly Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions by Tailoring of Attractive Interactions | E. Bartsch, D. Burger, S. Burger, J. Gisin, R. Schneider, O. Thorwarth, J. Vesaratchanon, C. Weis, M. Wiemann, N. Willenbacher |
Kind, Peukert, Rehage, Schuchmann (Eds.), Colloid Process Engineering, Springer 2015 |
Rheology of Foams | N. Willenbacher, M. Lexis |
R. Miller, L. Liggieri (Eds.), Foam Films and Foams: Fundamentals and Applications, Tayler and Francis, in preparation (2014) |
Rheology of Disperse Systems | N. Willenbacher, K. Georgieva |
U. Bröckel., W. Meier, G. Wagner (Eds), Product Design and Engineering, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, pp. 7-49 (2013) |
Polyisobutene-Based Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives | N. Willenbacher, O. Lebedeva |
I. Benedek and M.M. Feldstein (Eds), Handbook of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives and Products, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton (2009) |
Prediction of Emulsion Stability: Facts and Myth | V. André, N. Willenbacher, P. Fernandez, L. Börger, H. Debus, J. Rieger, T. Frechen | Cosmetics and Toiletries Manufacture Worldwide, Eds. Aston Publishing Group, p.102-109, 2003 |
Title | Author | Source |
Ionic strength effect on the structure and dynamics of colloidal dispersions with weak attractive interactions | Claude Oelschlaeger, Bruna R. Maciel, Louise Ratel, Marc Müller, Norbert Willenbacher |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 700, 2024, 134694 |
Ni-NHC nanoparticles in micelles as an effective and reusable catalyst for hydrogenations and reductive-aminations in water | Avello, Marta; Blas Martinez, Jorge; Romero, Thierry; Papaefthimiou, Vasiliki; Chetcuti, Michael; Ritleng, Vincent; Pham-Huu, Cuong; Oelschlaeger, Claude; Michon, Christophe |
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2024, 12, 29, 10739-10751 |
A Simple and Sensitive Approach for Real-Time Sensing of Enzymatically Catalyzed Hydrogelation | Sebastian Putz, Meriem Kassar, Claude Oelschlaeger, Matthias Franzreb and Gözde Kabay |
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2316469 (1-13) |
Micromechanical Indentation Platform for Rapid Analysis of Viscoelastic Biomolecular Hydrogels | Small Methods (2024) |
A holistic view on the role of egg yolk in Old Masters’ oil paints | O. Ranquet, C. Duce, E. Bramanti, P. Dietemann, I. Bonaduce und N. Willenbacher |
Nature Communications, 14, 1534 (2023) |
Tempera and Tempera Grassa – from wet paints to solid films | O. Ranquet, C. Duce, G. Caroti, P. Dietemann, I. Bonaduce und N. Willenbacher |
ACS Applied Polymer Materials |
Processing of Aqueous Graphite-Silicon Oxide Slurries and Its Impact on Rheology, Coating Behavior, Microstructure and Cell Performance | P. Haberzettl, N. Filipovic, D. Vrankovic und N. Willenbacher |
Batteries |
Highly Conductive and Stretchable Filament for Flexible Electronics | H. Sun, J. Zettl, und N. Willenbacher |
Additive Manufacturing doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2023.103872 |
Manufacture and filtration performance of glass filters made from capillary suspensions | Kevin Tedjokusuma, Werner Lauth, Norbert Willenbacher |
Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 329, 15 January 2024, 125097, |
Targeted Micro-Phase separation – A generic design concept to control the elasticity of extrudable hydrogels | Bruna R. Maciel, Ke Wang, Marc Müller, Claude Oelschlaeger, Norbert Willenbacher |
Materials & Design, 2023, 227, 111803, |
Targeted micro-heterogeneity in bioinks allows for 3D printing of complex constructs with improved resolution and cell viability | Bruna R Maciel, Alisa Grimm, Claude Oelschlaeger, Ute Schepers, Norbert Willenbacher |
Biofabrication, 2023, 15, 045013, |
Accurate quantification of DNA content in DNA hydrogels prepared by rolling circle amplification | Leonie Schneider, Madleen Richter, Claude Oelschlaeger, Kersten S. Rabe, Carmen M. Dominguez and Christof M. Niemeyer |
The Influence of Rheological and Wetting Properties of Hydrogel-based Bio-Inks on Extrusion-based Bioprinting | B.R. Maciel, K. Baki, C. Oelschlaeger, and N. Willenbacher |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 94(3), 1–10 (2022), |
Giant Functional Properties in Porous Electroceramics through Additive Manufacturing of Capillary Suspensions | D. Menne, L. Lemos da Silva, M. Rotan, J. Glaum, M. Hinterstein, N. Willenbacher |
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2022), |
Nutzung rheologischer Kennwerte zur Beurteilung der Schmierfetteignung bei tiefen Temperaturen | A. Hodapp, A. Conrad, B. Hochstein, K.H. Jacob, N. Willenbacher |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 94(3), 1-9 (2022), |
Phase-Change-Enabled, Rapid, High-Resolution Direct Ink Writing of Soft Silicone | Y. Wang and N. Willenbacher, |
Advanced Materials 2109240 (2022) |
Effect of Base Oil and Thickener on Texture and Flow of Lubricating Greases: Insights from Bulk Rheometry, Optical Microrheology and Electron Microscopy | A. Hodapp, A. Conrad, B. Hochstein, K.-H. Jacob, and N. Willenbacher |
Lubricants 10, 55, (2022), |
Imaging of the microstructure of Carbopol dispersions and correlation with their macroelasticity: A micro- and macrorheological study | Claude Oelschlaeger, Jonas Marten, Florian Péridont and Norbert Willenbacher |
Journal of Rheology 66, 749 (2022),
Low-Temperature Rheology and Thermoanalytical Investigation of Lubricating Oils: Comparison of Phase Transition, Viscosity, and Pour Point | Andreas Conrad, Annika Hodapp, Bernhard Hochstein, Norbert Willenbacher, Karl-Heinz Jacob |
Lubricants 2021 MDPI |
Method for determining the average filament length during a rotational atomization, and screening method based thereon during the development of a paint | Daniel Briesenick, Dirk Eierhoff, Georg Wigger, Christian Bornemann, Siegfried Riediger, Norbert Willenbacher, Walter Oswald |
United States Patent Application Publication Pub. No.: US 2021/0262912 A1 |
A Robust Soil Water Potential Sensor with High Sensitivity and Broad Measuring Range | David Menne, Christof Hübner, Dennis Trebbels, Norbert Willenbacher |
IEEE DOI: 10.1109/ISEMA49699.2021.9508320 |
Correction to: Chain flexibility and dynamics of alginate solutions in different solvents | Bruna Maciel, Claude Oelschlaeger, Norbert Willenbacher |
Colloid and Polymer Science (2021) |
Tuning Superfast Curing Thiol-Norbornene-Functionalized Gelatin Hydrogels for 3D Bioprinting | Tobias Glöckler, Sonja Haase, Xenia Kempter, Rebecca Pfister, Bruna R. Maciel, Alisa Grimm, Tamara Molitor, Norbert Willenbacher, Ute Schepers |
Wiley Online Library, Advanced Healthcare Materials |
Structure and rheology of foams stabilized by lupin protein isolate of Lupinus.angustifolius | Annika R. Völp, Jonas Seitz, Norbert Willenbacher |
Elsevier, 2021, Food Hydrocolloids |
Shear modulus and yield stress of foams: contribution of interfacial elasticity | A. R. Völp, N. Willenbacher |
Soft Matter, 2021, Advance Article |
Investigation of Thick-Film-Paste Rheology and Film Material for Pattern Transfer Printing (PTP) Technology | A. Adrian, D. Rudolph, J. Lossen, N. Willenbacher |
Coatings 2021, 11, 108 |
Miniaturized high-throughput synthesis and screening of responsive hydrogels using nanoliter compartments | A. Rosenfeld, C. Oelschlaeger, R. Thelen, S. Heissler, P. A. Levkin |
Materials Today Bio 6, 100053 (2020) |
3D-Printed lightweight ceramics using capillary suspensions with incorporated nanoparticles | M. Weiß, P. Sälzler, N. Willenbacher, E. Koos |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40(8), 3140-3147 (2020) |
Chain flexibility and dynamics of alginate solutions in different solvents | B. Maciel, C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher |
Colloid and Polymer Science 1-11 (2020) |
Effect of Polymeric Binders on Dispersion of Active Particles in Aqueous LiFePO4-Based Cathode Slurries as well as on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Corresponding Dry Layers | R. Gordon, M. Kassar, N. Willenbacher |
ACS Omega (2020) |
Monitoring matrix remodeling in the cellular microenvironment using microrheology for complex cellular systems | J. Hafner, D. Grijalva, A. Ludwig-Husemann, S. Bertels, L. Bensinger, A. Raic, J. Gebauer, C. Oelschlaeger, M. Bastmeyer, K. Bieback, C. Lee-Thedieck, N. Willenbacher |
Acta Biomaterialia 111, 254-266 (2020) |
In-situ rheological and structural characterization of milk foams in a commercial foaming device | A. R. Völp, L. Kagerbauer, J. Engmann, D. Z. Gunes, C. Gehin-Delval, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Food Engineering (2020) |
Finger Metallization Using Pattern Transfer Printing Technology for c-Si Solar Cell | A. Adrian, D. Rudolph, N. Willenbacher, J. Lossen |
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10(5), 1290-1298 (2020) |
High-Throughput Object Recognition and Sizing in Disperse Systems | A. R. Völp, F. Fessler, J. Reiner, N. Willenbacher |
Chemical Engineering & Technology 43(9). 1-7 (2020) |
Effect of carboxymethyl cellulose on the flow behavior of lithium-ion battery anode slurries and the electrical as well as mechanical properties of corresponding dry layers | R. Gordon, R. Orias, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Material Science (2020) |
Front side metallization of silicon solar cells - A high-speed video imaging analysis of the screen printing process | K. Abdel Aal, N. Willenbacher |
Solar Energy Materials snd Solar Cells (2020) |
Dimensional analysis of droplet size and ligament length during high-speed rotary bell atomization | L. Gödeke, W. Oswald, N. Willenbacher, P. Ehrhard |
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (2020) |
Interfacial and Foaming Properties of Tailor-Made Glycolipids - Influence of the Hydrophilic Head Group and Fucnctional Groups in the Hydrophobic Tail | R. Hollenbach, A. R. Völp, L. Höfert, J. Rudat, K. Ochsenreither, N. Willenbacher, C. Syldatk |
Molecules 25, 3797 (2020) |
Microrheology imaging of fiber suspensions - a case study for lyophilized collagen I in HCI solutions | J. Hafner, C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher |
Soft Matter (2020) |
FLECTILE: 3D-Printable Soft Actuators for Wearable Computing | L. Fang, T. Rödigger, H. Sun, N. Willenbacher, M. Beigl |
Proceedings of the 2020 International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 32-36 (2020) |
Monitoring matrix remodelling in the cellular microenvironment using microrheology for complex cellular systems | Johanna Hafner, David Grijalva, Anita Ludwig-Husemann, Sarah Bertels, Lea Bensinger, Annamarija Raic, Julian Gebauer, Claude Oelschlaeger, Martin Bastmeyer, Karen Bieback, Cornelia Lee-Thedieck , Norbert Willenbacher |
Acta Biomaterialia, accepted April 2020 |
Miniaturized high-throughput synthesis and screening of responsive hydrogels using nanoliter compartments | A. Rosenfeld, C. Oelschlaeger, R. Thelen, S. Heissler, P. A. Levkin |
Materials Today Bio (2020), |
Chain flexibility and dynamics of alginate solutions in different solvents | Bruna Maciel, Claude Oelschlaeger, Norbert Willenbacher |
Colloid and Polymer Science (2020), |
Phenolic Acid Decarboxylase Based All-Enzyme Hydrogel for Microreactor Technology | Mittmann, E., Gallus, S., Bitterwolf, P., Oelschlaeger, C., Willenbacher, N., Niemeyer, C.M., Rabe, K.S. |
Micromachines, 10 (12), 795. (2019) |
Hyaluronic acid cryogels with non-cytotoxic crosslinker genipin | Johanna Roether, Claude Oelschlaeger, Norbert Willenbacher |
Materials Letter: X 4 (2019) 100027
Carbon-Nanotube Reinforcement of DNA-Silica Nanocomposites into Micrometer-Sized Hollow-Sphere | Yong Hu, Jens Bauer, Simone Weigel, Claude Oelschlaeger, Norbert Willenbacher, Stephan Keppler, Martin Bastmeyer, Stefan Heißler, Christof Wöll, Tim Scharnweber, Kersten S. Rabe, Christof M. Niemeyer |
Nature Communications, 10, 5522 (2019) |
Bottom-Up Assembly of DNA-Silica Nanocomposites into Micrometer-Sized Hollow-Sphere | Y. Hu, M. Grösche, S. Sheshachala, C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher, K. S. Rabe, C. M. Niemeyer |
Angewandte Chemie, 58, 1-5 (2019) |
Ultrastrechable Conductive Elastomers with a Low Percolation Threshold for Printed Soft Electronics | H. Sun, Z. Han, N. Willenbacher |
ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2019,11
Valency engineering of monomeric enzymes for self-assembling biocatalytic hydrogels | Patrick Bitterwolf, Sabrina Gallus, Theo Peschke, Esther Mittmann, Claude Oelschlaeger, Norbert Willenbacher Kersten S. Rabe and Christof M. Niemeyer |
Chemical Science, 10, 9752-9757 (2019) |
Real-time monitoring of DNA immobilization and detection of DNA polymerase activity by a microfluidic nanoplasmonic platform | Johanna Roether, Kang-Yu Chu, Norbert Willenbacher, Amy Q. Shen, Nikhil Bhalla |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111528 |
Deformation of soft particles with controlled elasticity by liquid-liquid interfacial tension | Benedikt Sapotta, Jongmin Q. Kim, Norbert Willenbacher and Siyoung Q. Choi |
Soft Matter |
How the interaction between styrene-butadiene-rubber (SBR) binder and a secondary fluid affects the rheology, microstructure and adhesive properties of capillary-suspension-type graphite slurries used for Li-ion battery anodes | Jieun Park, Norbert Willenbacher, Kyung Hyun Ahn |
Colloids und Surfaces A |
Non-volatile free silver paste formulation for front-side metallization of silicon solar cells | Ceren Yüce, Kininori Okamoto, Lindsey Karpowich, Adrian Adrian, Norbert Willenbacher |
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 200 (2019) 110040 |
Heterogeneous flow inside threads of low viscosity fluids leads to anomalous long filament lifetimes | S. Recktenwald, S. J. Haward, A.Q. Shen, N. Willenbacher |
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2019) 9:7110 |
Sedimentation of lithium-iron-phosphate and carbon black particles in opaque suspensions used for lithium-ion-battery electrodes | R. Balbierer, R. Gordon, S. Schuhmann, N. Willenbacher, H. Nierschl, G. Guthausen |
Energy materials |
Shrinkage and dimensional accuracy of porous ceramics derived from capillary suspensions | M. Weiß, J. Maurath, N. Willenbacher, E. Koos |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 1887-1892
Lightweight Porous Glass Composite Materials Based on Capillary Suspensions | K. Hartung, C. Benner, N. Willenbacher, E. Koos |
Materials 2019, 12, 619; doi:10.3390/ma1240619 |
Rheology and Screen-Printing Performance of Model Silver Pastes for Metallization of Si-Solar Cells | C. Yüce, M. König, N. Willenbacher |
Coatings 2018, 8, 406; doi:10.3390/coatings8110406 |
Microstructure, local viscoelasticity and cell culture suitability of 3D hybrid HA/collagen scaffolds | Roether, Johanna; Bertels, Sarah; Oelschlaeger, Claude; Bastmeyer, Martin; Willenbacher, Norbert |
PLoSONE 13(12): e0207397. |
Formation of Arrested States in Natural Di- and Trioctahedral Smectite Dispersions Compared to those in Synthetic Hectorite – a Macro- and Microrheological Study | M. Pilavtepe, L. Delavernhe, A. Steudel, R. Schuhmann, N. Willenbacher, and K. Emmerich (2018). |
Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 66, No. 4, 339-352. |
Self-assembling all-enzyme hydrogels for flow biocatalysis | Theo Peschke, Patrick Bitterwolf, Sabrina Gallus, Yong Hu, Claude Oelschlaeger, Norbert Willenbacher, Kersten S. Rabe, Christof M. Niemeyer |
Journal: Angewandte Chemie |
How rheological properties affect fine-line screen printing of pastes: A combined rheological and high-speed video imaging study | Chenhui Xu, Norbert Willenbacher | |
Macro- and microscale structure formation and aging in different arrested states of Laponite dispersions | Müge Pilavtepe, Steffen M. Recktenwald, Rainer Schuhmann, Katja Emmerich and Norbert Willenbacher |
Journal of Rheology, Vol 62, No. 2, pp. 593-605, 2018 |
Structure of capillary suspensions and their versatile applications in the creation of smart materials | K.Hauf, E.Koos |
MRS Communications, 1-11 |
Structural, macro- and micro-mechanical properties of supramolecular bi-component L-Lysine-sodium tetraphenyl borate based hydrogels | U. A. Khan, C. Oelschlaeger, F. I. Ali, J. Roether, N. Willenbacher, I. A. Hashmi |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2018) |
Structural, microrheological and kinetic properties of a ternary Silica-Pluronic F127-Starch thermosensitive system | Y. Petkova-Olsson, C. Oelschlaeger, H. Ullsten, L. Järnström |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2018) |
Fractal approaches to characterize the structure of capillary suspensions using rheology and confocal microscopy | F. Bossler, J. Maurath, K. Dyhr, N. Willenbacher, E. Koos |
Journal of Rheology, 62 (1), 183–196 (2018) |
3D printing of open-porous cellular ceramics with high specific strength | J. Maurath, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2017) |
Influence of mixing conditions on the rheological properties and structure of capillary suspensions | F. Bossler, L. Weyrauch, R. Schmidt, E. Koos |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 518, 85-97 (2017) |
Improving the processability of coke water slurries for entrained flow gasification | L. Jampolski, A. Sänger, T. Jakobs, G. Guthausen, T. Kolb, N. Willenbacher |
Fuel 185, 102 - 111 (2016) |
Capillary suspensions as benificial formulation concept for high energy density Li-ion battery electrodes | B. Bitsch, T. Gallasch, M. Schroeder, M. Börner, M. Winter, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Power Sources 328, 114-123 (2016) |
Highly conductive, printable pastes from capillary suspensions | M. Schneider, E. Koos, N. Willenbacher |
Scientific Reports 6, 31367 (2016) |
Influence of particle shape on the rheological behavior of three-phasenon-brownian suspensions | J. Maurath, B. Bitsch, Y. Schwegler, N. Willenbacher |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 497, 316-326 (2016) |
Highly Porous Materials with Unique Mechanical Properties from Smart Capillary Suspensions | J. Dittmann, J. Maurath, B. Bitsch, N. Willenbacher |
Advanced Materials, 28(8), 1689-1696 (2016)
Interaction between Polymeric Additives and Secondary Fluids in Capillary Suspensions | B. Bitsch, B. Braunschweig, N. Willenbacher |
Langmuir, 2016, 32 (6), pp 1440–1449 |
Structure of particle networks in capillary suspensions with wetting and nonwetting fluids | F. Bossler, E. Koos |
Langmuir, 32 (6), 1489–1501 (2016) |
Synthesis, Structural and Micromechanical Properties of 3D Hyaluronic Acid-Based Cryogel Scaffolds | C. Oelschlaeger, F. Bossler, N. Willenbacher |
Biomacromolecules, 17 (2), pp 580–589 (2016) |
Tailoring flow behavior and texture of water based cocoa suspensions | S. Wollgarten, C. Yuce, E. Koos, N. Willenbacher |
Food Hydrocolloids 52, 167-174 (2015) |
Squeeze flow rheometry as a novel tool for the characterization of highly concentrated protein solutions | M.-T. Schermeyer, H. Sigloch , K. C. Bauer, C. Oelschlaeger, J. Hubbuch |
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 113, 576-587 (2016) |
Physical properties of cytoplasmic intermediate filaments | J. Block, V. Schroeder, P. Pawelzyk, N. Willenbacher, S. Köster |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta xxx (2015) xxx–xxx |
Investigation of the flow field in thin polymer films due to inhomogeneous drying | P. Cavadini, J. Erz, D. Sachsenheimer, A. Kowalczyk, N. Willenbacher, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel |
J. Coat. Technol. Res., 12 (5) 921–926 (2015) |
Novel Insights into Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives Based on Plant Oils | W. Maaßen, S. Oelmann, D. Peter, W. Oswald, N. Willenbacher, M. A. R. Meier |
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 216, 1609−1618 (2015) |
Fabrication of highly porous glass filters using capillary suspension processing | J. Maurath, J. Dittmann, N. Schultz, N. Willenbacher |
Separation and Purification Technology 149 (6) 470–478 (2015) |
Einflüsse der mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik auf die Herstellung von Elektroden für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien | B. Bitsch, N. Willenbacher, V. Wenzel, S. Schmelzle, H. Nirschl |
Chem. Ing. Tech. 87 (4), 466–474 (2015) |
Innovatives Inline-Rheometer zur Bestimmung des Stärkeabbaus im Extruder | B. Hochstein, Z. Kizilbay, M. Horvat, H. P. Schuchmann, N. Willenbacher |
Chem. Ing. Tech. 87 (1-2), 1-6 (2015) |
Visualization of micro-scale inhomogeneities in acrylic thickener solutions: A multiple particle tracking study | A. Kowalczyk, C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher |
Polymer 58, 170-179 (2015) |
Tracking errors in 2D multiple particle tracking microrheology | A. Kowalczyk, C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher |
Measurement Science and Technology 26, 015302-015316 (2015) |
Capillary suspensions: Particle networks formed through the capillary force | E. Koos |
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 19 (6), 575-584 (2014) |
Relating foam and interfacial rheological properties of beta-lactoglobulin solutions | M. Lexis, N. Willenbacher |
Soft Matter 10 (48), 9626-9636 (2014) |
Elongational deformation of wormlike micellar solutions | D. Sachsenheimer, C. Oelschlaeger, S. Müller, J. Küstner, S. Bindgen, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Rheology 58, 2017-2042 (2014) |
Restructuring and aging in a capillary suspension | E. Koos, W. Kannowade, N. Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta 53, 947-957 (2014) |
Micro Structural Investigations and Mechanical Properties of Macro Porous Ceramic Materials from Capillary Suspensions | J. Dittmann, N. Willenbacher |
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1–6 (2014) |
Effect of weak attractive interactions on flow behavior of highly concentrated crystalline suspensions | C. Weis, I. Natalia, N. Willenbacher |
J. Rheol. 58(5), 1583-1597 (2014) |
Experimental study on the capillary thinning of entangled polymer solutions | D. Sachsenheimer, B. Hochstein, N. Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta 53, 725–739 (2014) |
Yield stress and elasticity of aqueous foams from protein and surfactant solutions – The role of continuous phase viscosity and interfacial properties | M. Lexis, N. Willenbacher |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 459, 177–185 (2014) |
A novel slurry concept for the fabrication of Lithium-Ion battery electrodes with beneficial properties | B. Bitsch, J. Dittmann, M. Schmitt, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Power Sources 265, 81-90 (2014) |
Prozess- und Produktentwicklung von Elektroden für Li-Ionen-Zellen | J. Kaiser, V. Wenzel, H. Nirschl, B. Bitsch, N. Willenbacher, M. Baunach, M. Schmitt, S. Jaiser, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel |
Chem. Ing. Tech. 86 (5), 1-13 (2014) |
Attractive Interactions among Intermediate Filaments Determine Network Mechanics In Vitro | P. Pawelzyk, N. Mücke, H. Herrmann N. Willenbacher |
PLoS ONE 9 (4), e93194 (2014) |
Using capillary bridges to tune stability and flow behavior of food suspensions | S. Hoffmann, E. Koos, N. Willenbacher |
Food Hydrocolloids 40, 44-52 (2014) |
Chain flexibility and dynamics of polysaccharide hyaluronan in entangled solutions: a high frequency rheology and diffusing wave spectroscopy study | C. Oelschlaeger, M. C. Pinto Coelho, N. Willenbacher |
Biomacromolecules 14 (10), 3689-3696 (2013) |
pH Effects on the Molecular Structure of β‑Lactoglobulin Modified Air−Water Interfaces and its Impact on Foam Rheology | K. Engelhardt, M. Lexis, G. Gochev, C. Konnerth, R. Miller, N. Willenbacher, W. Peukert, B. Braunschweig |
Langmuir 29 (37), 11646-11655 (2013) |
Mechanics of intermediate filament networks assembled from keratins K8 and K18 | P. Pawelzyk, H. Herrmann, N. Willenbacher |
Soft Matter 9, 8871–8880 (2013) |
Einfluss der Flüssigkeitsviskosität auf das rheologische Verhalten von Schäumen | M. Lexis, N. Willenbacher |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85, No. 8, 1–8 (2013) |
Apparent elongational yiel stress of soft matter | L. Martinie, H. Buggisch, N. Willenbacher |
J. Rheol. 57(2), 627-646 (2013) |
A multiple-step slit die rheometer for rheological characterization of extruded starch melts | M. Horvat, M. A. Emin, B. Hochstein, N. Willenbacher, H. P. Schuchmann |
Journal of Food Engineering 116, 398–403 (2013) |
Influence of medium-chain triglycerides on expansion and rheological properties of extruded corn starch | M. Horvat, M. A. Emin, B. Hochstein, N. Willenbacher, H. P. Schuchmann |
Carbohydrate Polymers 93, 492– 498 (2013) |
Ultrasonic in-line monitoring of styrene miniemulsion polymerization | P. Pawelzyk, M.Toledo, N.Willenbacher |
Chemical Engineering Journal 219 (2013) 303–310 |
Ceramic Capillary Suspensions: Novel Processing Route for Macroporous Ceramic Materials | J. Dittmann, E. Koos, N. Willenbacher |
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 (2) 391–397 (2013) |
Determination of axial forces during the capillary breakup of liquid filaments – the tilted CaBER method | D. Sachsenheimer, B. Hochstein, H. Buggisch, N. Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta 51, 909–923 (2012) |
Optimization of Experimental Parameters to Suppress Nozzle Clogging in Inkjet Printing | A. Lee, K. Sudau, K. H. Ahn, S. J. Lee, N. Willenbacher |
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51, 13195−13204 (2012) |
Tuning suspension rheology using capillary forces | E. Koos, J. Johannsmeier, L. Schwebler, N. Willenbacher |
Soft Matter 8 (24), 6620 - 6628 (2012) |
Mixed wormlike micelles of cationic surfactants: effect of the cosurfactant chain length on the bending elasticity and rheological properties | C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 406, 31-37 (2012) |
Particle configurations and gelation in capillary suspensions | E. Koos, N. Willenbacher |
Soft Matter 8 (14), 3988 - 3994 (2012) |
Adhesive properties of acrylate copolymers: Effect of the nature of the substrate and copolymer functionality | Y. Peykova, O. Lebedeva, A. Diethert, P. Müller-Buschbaum, N. Willenbacher |
International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 34, 107–116 (2012) |
Effects of cross-link density on re-entrant melting of microgel colloids | M. Wiemann, N. Willenbacher, E. Bartsch |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 413, 78-83 (2012) |
Tailoring the near-Surface Composition Profiles of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Films and the Resulting Mechanical Properties | A. Diethert, K. Ecker, Y. Peykova, N. Willenbacher, P. Müller-Buschbaum |
ACS Applied Material Interfaces 3, 2012–2021 (2011) |
Kapillarkräfte in Suspensionen: Rheologische Eigenschaften und potenzielle Anwendungen | E. Koos, J. Dittmann, N. Willenbacher |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 83 (8), 1305–1309 (2011) |
An alternative route to highly concentrated, freely flowing colloidal dispersions | N. Willenbacher, J. S. Vesaratchanon, O. Thorwarth, E. Bartsch |
Soft Matter 7, 5777-5788 (2011) |
Rheological Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Cetylpyridinium Chloride in the Presence of Sodium Chlorate | C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta 50, 655–660 (2011) |
Capillary Forces in Suspension Rheology | E. Koos, N. Willenbacher |
Science 331, 897 (2011) |
Capillary breakup extensional rheometry (CaBER) on semi-dilute and concentrated polyethyleneoxide (PEO) solutions | O. Arnolds, H. Buggisch, D. Sachsenheimer, N. Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta 49, 11, 1207 (2010) |
Characterization of Complex Fluids at very Low Frequency: Experimental Verification of the Strain Rate-frequency Superposition (SRFS) Method | A. Kowalczyk, B. Hochstein, P. Stähle, N. Willenbacher |
Applied Rheology 20, 52340 (2010) |
Extensional rheology of concentrated emulsions as probed by capillary breakup elongational rheometry (CaBER) | K. Niedzwiedz, H. Buggisch, N. Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta 49, 1103–1116 (2010) |
Clogging of microchannels by nano-particles due to hetero-coagulation in elongational flow | K. Georgieva, D.J. Dijkstra, H. Fricke, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 352, 265–277 (2010) |
Near-Surface Composition Profiles and the Adhesive Properties of Statistical Copolymer Films Being Model Systems of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Films | A. Diethert, Y. Peykova, N. Willenbacher, P. Müller-Buschbaum |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Vol. 2, No. 7, 2060-2068 (2010) |
Effect of Counterion Binding Efficiency on Structure and Dynamics of Wormlike Micelles | C. Oelschlaeger, P. Suwita, N. Willenbacher |
Langmuir 26 (10), 7045–7053 (2010) |
Surface characterization of functionalized latexes with different surface functionalities using rheometry and dynamic light scattering | J. S. Vesaratchanon, K. Takamura, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 345, 214–221 (2010) |
The effect of surface roughness on adhesive properties of acrylate copolymers | Y. Peykova, S. Guriyanova, O. Lebedeva, A. Diethert, P. Müller-Buschbaum, N. Willenbacher |
International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 30, 245–254 (2010) |
Mutations in Desmin's Carboxy-Terminal "Tail" Domain Severely Modify Filament and Network Mechanics | H. Bär, M. Schopferer, S. Sharma, B. Hochstein, N. Mücke, H. Herrmann, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Molecular Biology, 397, 1188–1198 (2010) |
Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometry of Yield Stress Fluids | K. Niedzwiedz, O. Arnolds, N. Willenbacher, R. Brummer |
Applied Rheology 19, 41969 (2009) |
Desmin and vimentin intermediate filament networks: Their viscoelastic properties investigated by mechanical rheometry | M. Schopferer, H. Bär, B. Hochstein, S. Sharma, N. Mücke, H. Herrmann, N. Willenbacher |
Journal of Molecular Biology, 388, 133–143 (2009) |
Microrheology with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy | S. Rathgeber, H.-J. Beauvisage, H. Chevreau, N. Willenbacher, C. Oelschlaeger |
Langmuir 25(11), 6368-6376 (2009) |
Linear-to-Branched Micelles Transition: A Rheometry and Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS) Study | C. Oelschlaeger, M. Schopferer, F. Scheffold, N. Willenbacher |
Langmuir, 25(2), 716-729 (2009) |
Shear and elongational flow behavior of acrylic thickener solutions, Part II: effect of gel content | S. Kheirandish, I. Gubaydullin, N. Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta 48, 397-407 (2009) |
Effect of aggregation on shear and elongational flow properties of acrylic thickeners | N. Willenbacher, Y. Matter, I. Gubaydullin, V. Schädler |
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 20(3), 109-116 (2008) |
Shear and elongational flow behavior of acrylic thickener solutions, Part I: Effect of intermolecular aggregation | S.Kheirandish, I. Gubaydullin, W. Wohlleben, N.Willenbacher |
Rheologica Acta, DOI 10.1007/s00397-008-0292-1 (2008) |
Multiple-Particle Tracking (MPT) Measurements of Heterogeneities in Acrylic Thickener Solutions | C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher, S. Neser |
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 134, 74-79 (2008) |
Broad Bandwidth Optical and Mechanical Rheometry of Wormlike Micelle Solution | N. Willenbacher, C. Oelschlaeger, M. Schopferer, P. Fischer, F. Cardinaux, F. Scheffold |
Physical Review Letters, 99, 068302 (2007) |
Dynamics and structure of complex fluids from high frequency mechanical and optical rheometry | N. Willenbacher, C. Oelschlaeger |
Current Opinion of Colloid & Interface Science, 12, 43-49 (2007) |
Chemical Force Microscopy Study of Adhesive Properties of Polypropylene Films: Influence of Surface Polarity and Medium | S. Gourianova, N. Willenbacher, .M. Kutschera | Langmuir, 21(12), 5429-5438 (2005) |
Characterization of the Viscoelastic Behavior of Complex Fluids using the Piezoelastic Axial Vibrator (PAV) | J. Crassous, R. Régisser, M. Ballauff, N. Willenbacher | Journal of Rheology, 49(4), 851-864 (2005) |
Vesicles as Rheology Modifier | P. Fernandez, N. Willenbacher, T. Frechen, A.Kühnle | Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochemical + Engineering Aspects, 262(1-3), 204-210 (2005) |
The Influence of Extensional Properties on the dewatering of Coating Colors | J. Jäder, N. Willenbacher, G. Engström, L. Järnström | Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 31(4), 181-187 (2005) |
Microscopic structure in pressure sensitive adhesives: an ultrasmall angle X-ray study | E. Maurer, S. Loi, D. Wulff, N. Willenbacher, P. Müller-Buschbaum | Physica B, 357 144-147 (2005) |
Effect of Molecular Weight on the Tack of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives | A. O’Connor, C. Macosko, and N. Willenbacher | Int. Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 24, 335-346 (2004) |
Tailoring PSA-Dispersion Rheology for High-Speed Coating | N. Willenbacher, L. Börger, D. Urban, L. Varela de la Rosa |
ASI, Adhesives & Sealants, 10(9), 26-35 (2003) |
Mesoscopic Fibrillation Properties of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Based on Latex Films | T. Dimitrova, D. Johannsmann, N. Willenbacher, and A. Pfau | Langmuir, 19, 10247 (2003) |
Miniemulsion Polymerization of Acrylated Methyl Oleate for Pressure Sensitive Adhesives | S. Bunker, C. Staller, N. Willenbacher, and R. Wool | Int. Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 23(1), 29-38 (2003) |
High Frequency Rheology of Complex Fluids from Torsional Resonance Oscillation at Multiple Frequencies | G. Fritz, N. Willenbacher, and N.J. Wagner |
J. Rheol. 47(2), 303-319 (2003) |
Electrosteric Stabilization of Colloidal Dispersions | G. Fritz, V. Schädler, N. Willenbacher, and N.J. Wagner | Langmuir 18, 6381-6390 (2002) |
High Frequency Rheology of Hard Sphere Colloidal Dispersions Measured with a Torsional Resonator | G. Fritz, B. Maranzano, N.J. Wagner, and N. Willenbacher | J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 102, 149-156 (2002) |
Characterization of Polymer Dispersions by Fourier Transform Rheology | S. Kirsch, N. Willenbacher, S. Kallus, M. Wilhelm, and H.W. Spieß | Rheologica Acta 40, 552-559 (2001) |
Rheology of Thermosensitive Latex Particles Including the High Frequency Limit | I. Deike, A. Weiss, N. Willenbacher, and M. Ballauff | J. Rheol. 45(3), 709-720 (2001) |
Elongatinal flow behavior of automotive coatings and its relation to atomization and mottling | T. Dirking, N. Willenbacher, L. Boggs |
Progress in Organic Coatings 42, 59-64 (2001) |
An Empirical Model to Predict the Viscosity of Highly Concentrated, Bimodal Dispersions with Colloidal Interactions | B. Dames, B.R. Morrison and N. Willenbacher | Rheologica Acta 40, 434-440 (2001) |
Runnability and Flow-induced Aggregation of Paper Coating Colors | R. Ettl, V. Schädler, and N. Willenbacher, | Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 5 (2000) |
Hydrodynamic and Colloidal Interactions in Concentrated Charge Stabilized Polymer Dispersions | F.M. Horn, W. Richtering, J. Bergenholtz, N. Willenbacher, and N.J. Wagner | J. Colloid Interface Sci. 225, 166-178 (2000) |
High Frequency Viscosity and Shear Modulus of Sterically Stabilized Colloid Particles as Probed by Torsional Resonance Oscillation | A. Weiss, M. Ballauff, and N. Willenbacher | J. Colloid Interface Sci. 216, 185-188 (1999) |
New Laboratory Test to Characterize Immobilization and Dewatering of Paper Coating Colors | N. Willenbacher, H. Hanciogullari, and M. Raedle | TAPPI Journal 82, 167-174 (1999) |
Relationship Between Short- time Self-diffusion and High Frequency Viscosity in Charge Stabilized Dispersions | J. Bergenholtz, F. M. Horn, W. Richtering, N. Willenbacher, N. J. Wagner | Physical Review E, Rapid Communications, 58 (4), 4088-4091 (1998) |
Colloidal Charge Determination in Concentrated Liquid Dispersions Using Torsional Resonance Oscillation | J. Bergenholtz, N. Willenbacher, B. Morrison, N.J. Wagner, D. van de Ende, and J. Mellema | J. Colloid Interface Sci., 202, 430-440 (1998) |
High Shear Viscosity of Paper Coating Colors - more than just Viscosity | N. Willenbacher, H. Hanciogullari, and H.G. Wagner | Chemical Engineering and Technology, 20, 557-563 (1997) |
Unusual Thixotropic Properties of Aqueous Dispersions of Laponite RD | N. Willenbacher | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 182, 501-510 (1996) |
Rheometry on Magnetorheological (MR) Fluids I. Steady Shear Flow in Stationary Magnetic Fields | H.M. Laun, C. Kormann, and N. Willenbacher | Rheologica Acta 35, 417-432 (1996) |
The Relaxation of Concentrated Polymer Solutions | M. Baumgärtel and N. Willenbacher | Rheologica Acta 35, 168-185 (1996) |
Shear and Elongational Flow Properties of Fluid S1 from Rotational, Capillary, and Opposed Jet Rheometry | N. Willenbacher and R. Hingmann | J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 52 163-176 (1994) |
Elastic Interactions of High-spin and Low-spin Complex Molecules in Spin-crossover Compounds: II | H. Spiering and N. Willenbacher | J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 1, 10089-10105 (1989) |
The Elastic Interaction of High-spin and Low-spin Complex Molecules in Spin-crossover Compounds | N. Willenbacher and H. Spiering | J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 21, 1423-1439 (1988) |
Publications of the DPE Group
Experimental analysis of the influence of key process parameters on synthesis gas fermentation in continuous operation with Clostridium ljungdahlii. PhD dissertation
Perret, L.
2025, January 14. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000177709 -
Delay-Controlled Frequency Tuning of a MEMS Sensor for Neuromorphic Acoustic Sensing
Folke Johann Rolf, H.; Feketa, P.; Meurer, T.
2025. IEEE Access, 13, 38940–38951. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3546435 -
Temperature-Driven Strategy for Engineering of Al-Doped ZnO Mesocrystals’ Hierarchical Architecture
Yang, G.; Jiokeng Dongmo, M. K.; Buchheiser, S.; Meurer, T.; Nirschl, H.
2025. Elsevier. doi:10.5445/IR/1000180434 -
Surgical Assistant Robot System - Teleoperation with Remote Center of Motion Control and Collision Avoidance
Amersdorfer, M.; Elsner, L.; Meurer, T.
2025. doi:10.5445/IR/1000178418
Nonlinear and Optimal Control, Collision Avoidance, and Estimation of Marine Surface Vessels. PhD dissertation
Helling, S.
2024, October 14. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000174026 -
Model- and Data-Based Estimator and Control Design for Metal Forming Processes. PhD dissertation
Wrobel, M.
2024, October 14. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000174023 -
58. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard
Meurer, T.
2024. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 72 (12), 1207–1208. doi:10.1515/auto-2024-0149 -
On coupled oscillators modeling bio-inspired acoustic sensors: Bifurcation analysis toward tunability enhancement
Rolf, H. F. J.; Meurer, T.
2024. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34 (10). doi:10.1063/5.0217847 -
Quick prediction of thinning in stretch forming of hat-shaped profiles during multi-stage hot sheet metal forming
Martschin, J.; Rethmann, P.; Grodotzki, J.; Wrobel, M.; Meurer, T.; Tekkaya, A. E.
2024. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 327, Article no: 118365. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2024.118365 -
Enabling Tunability of a MEMS Sensor with a Geometric Nonlinearity1
Rolf, H. F. J.; Meurer, T.
2024. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58 (5), 66–71. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.065 -
Moving Horizon Estimator Design for a Nanoparticle Synthesis Batch Process
Jiokeng Dongmo, M. K.; Guohui, Y.; Nirschl, H.; Meurer, T.
2024. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58 (14), 342–347. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.08.360 -
Detection and tracking of ocean layers using an AUV with UKF based extremum seeking control in the Baltic Sea
See, T. B. von; Greinert, J.; Meurer, T.
2024. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), Art.-Nr.: 20629. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-70775-y -
A Comparison of Physics- and Data-based Modeling of Rural Drainage Systems
Baumann, H.; Schaum, A.; Ravn, N. H.; Meurer, T.; Jensen, L. N.
2024. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58 (2), 25–30. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.086 -
An Experimental Method to Capture the Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Fine-Grained Concretes during Transition from Liquid to Solid
Schwarz, Y.; Ratke, D.; Sanio, D.; Meurer, T.; Mark, P.
2024. Materials, 17 (9), Article no: 2115. doi:10.3390/ma17092115 -
PDE-based control synthesis for a planar cable-driven continuum arm
Han, Z.; Liu, Z.; Meurer, T.; He, W.
2024. Automatica, 163, Art.-Nr.: 111600. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111600 -
Softsensors: key component of property control in forming technology
Homberg, W.; Arian, B.; Arne, V.; Borgert, T.; Brosius, A.; Groche, P.; Hartmann, C.; Kersting, L.; Laue, R.; Martschin, J.; Meurer, T.; Spies, D.; Tekkaya, A. E.; Trächtler, A.; Volk, W.; Wendler, F.; Wrobel, M.
2024. Production Engineering, 18 (3-4), 603–614. doi:10.1007/s11740-023-01227-1 -
Controllability and Optimal Control of Water Networks – A Comparison of Three Lumped Models
Baumann, H.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2024. 2024 American Control Conference (ACC), 1751–1756, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ACC60939.2024.10644380 -
Influence of Multi-Step Forming on the Hardness and Microstructure of Rapidly Austenitized 22MnB5
Martschin, J.; Wrobel, M.; Meurer, T.; Tekkaya, A.
2024. CHS² 2024 Proceedings, 8 – 14, Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST). doi:10.33313/512/A0102 -
SmartDis - Semi-Automatic Disassembly of an Antenna Amplifier
Amersdorfer, M.; Meurer, T.
2024. doi:10.5445/IR/1000170752
The Rotary Flexible Joint – A Holistic View from Modeling and Control to Observer Design and Experiments
Helling, S.; Meurer, T.
2023. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56 (2), 7567–7572. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.664 -
Model-based Estimator Design for the Curing Process of a Concrete Structure
Ratke, D.; Meurer, T.; Schwarz, Y.; Sanio, D.; Mark, P.
2023. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56 (2), 3241–3246. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1463 -
Data-driven Temperature Estimation for a Multi-Stage Press Hardening Process
Wrobel, M.; Martschin, J.; Meurer, T.; Tekkaya, E.
2023. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56 (2), 4252–4257. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1785 -
DMD-Based Model Predictive Control for a Coupled PDE-ODE System
Wolfram, D.; Meurer, T.
2023. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56 (2), 4258–4263. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1789 -
Amplitude control for an artificial hair cell undergoing an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation
Johann Rolf, H. F.; Meurer, T.
2023. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56 (1), 181–186. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.02.031 -
Optimal path, orientation and trajectory planning along arbitrarily shaped surfaces for image-based robot-automated medical procedures
Reinhold, J.; Heilemann, L. L.; Lippross, S.; Meurer, T.
2023. Control Engineering Practice, 139, 105656. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2023.105656 -
Soft Sensors for Property-Controlled Multi-Stage Press Hardening of 22MnB5
Martschin, J.; Wrobel, M.; Grodotzki, J.; Meurer, T.; Tekkaya, A. E.
2023. Automotive Innovation, 6 (3), 352–363. doi:10.1007/s42154-023-00238-z -
Dual Collision Detection in Model Predictive Control Including Culling Techniques
Helling, S.; Meurer, T.
2023. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 1–16. doi:10.1109/TCST.2023.3259822 -
Neuromorphic acoustic sensing using an adaptive microelectromechanical cochlea with integrated feedback
Lenk, C.; Hövel, P.; Ved, K.; Durstewitz, S.; Meurer, T.; Fritsch, T.; Männchen, A.; Küller, J.; Beer, D.; Ivanov, T.; Ziegler, M.
2023. Nature Electronics, 6, 370–380. doi:10.1038/s41928-023-00957-5 -
Entwicklung einer geplanten und überwachenden Roboterassistenz und -automation für den Einsatz in der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie [Development of a planned and monitoring robotic assistance and automation for application in orthopedics and trauma surgery]
Reinhold, J.; Olschewski, J.; Heilemann, L. L.; Seekamp, A.; Lippross, S.; Meurer, T.
2023. Die Chirurgie, 94 (4), 312–317. doi:10.1007/s00104-023-01844-7 -
Artificial homeostatic temperature regulation via bio-inspired feedback mechanisms
Feketa, P.; Birkoben, T.; Noll, M.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Kohlstedt, H.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Art.: 5003. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31963-4 -
Optimal sensor placement and estimator-based temperature control for a deep drawing process
Wrobel, M.; Meurer, T.
2023. Journal of Process Control, 124, 92–104. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2023.02.014 -
Constrained-Differential-Kinematics-Decomposition-Based NMPC for Online Manipulator Control with Low Computational Costs
Reinhold, J.; Baumann, H.; Meurer, T.
2023. Robotics, 12 (1), 7. doi:10.3390/robotics12010007
Ausgewählte Beiträge der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und 1.40
Woittennek, F.; Meurer, T.; Schaum, A.
2022. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 70 (8), 679–681. doi:10.1515/auto-2022-0082 -
Observer design for a nonlinear heat equation: Application to semiconductor wafer processing
Schaum, A.; Koch, S.; Kleindienst, M.; Reichhartinger, M.; Meurer, T.; Moreno, J. A.; Horn, M.
2022. Journal of Process Control, 119, 34–43. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2022.09.004 -
Optimal Boundary Control for the Backlog Problem in Production Systems
Othman, K. A. A. A.; Meurer, T.
2022. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (20), 511–516. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.146 -
Feedforward and output–feedback control of the cell distribution in chemostat yeast fermentations
Jerono, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2022. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (7), 556–561. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.07.502 -
A combined guidance and control concept for autonomous ferries [Ein Konzept für die Führung und Regelung von autonomen Fähren]
Helling, S.; Lutz, M.; Meurer, T.
2022. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 70 (5), 444–455. doi:10.1515/auto-2021-0160 -
Finite-dimensional output stabilization for a class of linear distributed parameter systems — A small-gain approach
Grüne, L.; Meurer, T.
2022. Systems & Control Letters, 164, Art.-Nr.: 105237. doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2022.105237 -
Unknown Input Reconstruction from Temporal Activity Patterns of Thermosensitive Neuronal Ensembles using Reservoir Computing
Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2022. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (20), 570–575. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.156 -
Structural plasticity driven by task performance leads to criticality signatures in neuromorphic oscillator networks
Feketa, P.; Meurer, T.; Kohlstedt, H.
2022. Scientific Reports, 12, Art.-Nr.: 15321. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-19386-z -
Parallelized POD-based suboptimal economic model predictive control of a state-constrained Boussinesq approximation
Andrej, J.; Grüne, L.; Mechelli, L.; Meurer, T.; Pirkelmann, S.; Volkwein, S.
2022. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 116, 71–81. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2021.09.004 -
Equidistant Tool Path and Cartesian Trajectory Planning for Robotic Machining of Curved Freeform Surfaces
Amersdorfer, M.; Meurer, T.
2022. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19 (4), 3311–3323. doi:10.1109/TASE.2021.3117691 -
Towards new shores or back to the roots?
Abel, D.; Meurer, T.
2022. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 70 (5), 403–405. doi:10.1515/auto-2022-0051 -
Moving Horizon Estimator Design for a Nonlinear Diffusion-Reaction System with Sensor Dynamics
Jiokeng Dongmo, M. K.; Meurer, T.
2022. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (20), 85–90. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.076 -
Force-Based Pick-and-Place Along Curved Surfaces Exploiting Robot Repeatability
Reinhold, J.; Elsner, L.; Meurer, T.
2022. ISR Europe 2022; 54th International Symposium on Robotics, 1–8, VDE Verlag -
Efficient Formulation of Collision Avoidance Constraints in optimization Based Trajectory Planning and Control
Lutz, M.; Meurer, T.
2022. 2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 228–233, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CCTA48906.2021.9658663 -
Rope-Assisted Docking Maneuvers for Autonomous Surface Vessels
Bartels, S.; Helling, S.; Meurer, T.
2022. 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), 2315–2320, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867315
On a Lyapunov Characterization of Input-To-State Stability for Impulsive Systems with Unstable Continuous Dynamics
Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2021. Contemporary Approaches and Methods in Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics, Ed.: V. Sadovnichiy, 369–380, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-50302-4_16 -
Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.40 "Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik" und 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik"
Meurer, T.; Woittennek, F.; Schaum, A. (Eds.)
2021. Chair of Automation and Control, Kiel University -
Optimal Sensor Placement for Temperature Control in a Deep Drawing Tool
Wrobel, M.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (11), 91–96. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.056 -
Parameter Identification for a 3D Heating Process by the Adjoint Method based on Experimental Data
Wolfram, D.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (11), 103–108. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.058 -
Marine boundary layer tracking using an AUV with UKF based extremum seeking
See, T. B. von; Meurer, T.; Greinert, J.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (16), 320–326. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.111 -
Robust nonlinear observer design based on impulsive dissipativity
Schaum, A.; Feketa, P.; Meurer, T.; Moreno, J. A.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (9), 279–284. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.084 -
Moment-based dissipative observer design for cell population balance models
Schaum, A.; Jerono, P.; Meurer, T.; Moreno, J. A.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (3), 433–438. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.280 -
Input–to–state stability of dissipative PI control for a class of semilinear heat equations
Schaum, A.; Feketa, P.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (19), 281–286. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.11.091 -
Ausgewählte Beiträge des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.40, Teil 1
Meurer, T.; Schaum, A.
2021. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 69 (7), 563–564. doi:10.1515/auto-2021-0078 -
Ausgewählte Beiträge des GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40, Teil 2
Meurer, T.; Schaum, A.
2021. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 69 (9), 737–738. doi:10.1515/auto-2021-0119 -
Control-Oriented Characterization of Product Properties during Hot Hole-Flanging of X46Cr13 Sheet Material in a Progressive-Die
Martschin, J.; Meya, R.; Klöser, D.; Meurer, T.; Tekkaya, A. E.
2021. Metals, 11 (2), Art.-Nr.: 349. doi:10.3390/met11020349 -
Reduced order modelling for spatial-temporal temperature and property estimation in a multi-stage hot sheet metal forming process
Kloeser, D.; Martschin, J.; Meurer, T.; Tekkaya, E.
2021. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 3, Art.-Nr.: 100055. doi:10.1016/j.aime.2021.100055 -
Estimating the wheel lateral position of a mechatronic railway running gear with nonlinear wheel–rail geometry
Keck, A.; Schwarz, C.; Meurer, T.; Heckmann, A.; Grether, G.
2021. Mechatronics, 73, Art.-Nr.: 102457. doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102457 -
Parameter identification of a yeast batch cell population balance model
Jerono, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (7), 144–149. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.349 -
Observability analysis and robust observer design for a continuous yeast culture
Jerono, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2021. Journal of Process Control, 104, 62–73. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2021.05.012 -
Moment-based Kalman Filter design for cell population balance models in batch fermentation processes
Jerono, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (3), 19–24. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.212 -
A Culling Procedure for Collision Avoidance Model Predictive Control with Application to Ship Autopilot Models
Helling, S.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (16), 43–50. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.071 -
Guest Editorial Focused Section on Mechatronics in Unmanned Systems
He, W.; Li, Z.; Meurer, T.; Antonelli, G.; Kaynak, O.; Fukuda, T.
2021. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 26 (2), 595–599. doi:10.1109/TMECH.2021.3065358 -
Synchronization and Multicluster Capabilities of Oscillatory Networks With Adaptive Coupling
Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2021. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66 (7), 3084–3096. doi:10.1109/TAC.2020.3012528 -
Stability of cluster formations in adaptive Kuramoto networks
Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (9), 14–19. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.141 -
Distributed Parameter State Estimation for the Gray–Scott Reaction-Diffusion Model
Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2021. Systems, 9 (4), Art.-Nr.: 71. doi:10.3390/systems9040071 -
Observer design for a class of nonlinear systems combining dissipativity with interconnection and damping assignment
Biedermann, B.; Meurer, T.
2021. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 31 (9), 4064–4080. doi:10.1002/rnc.5461 -
Identification of a cell population model for algae growth processes
Atzori, F.; Jerono, P.; Schaum, A.; Baratti, R.; Tronci, S.; Meurer, T.
2021. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (7), 132–137. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.347 -
Image-Based Online Command Adaptation and Guidance to Arbitrarily Shaped Objects for Robot-Assisted Medical Procedures
Reinhold, J.; Olschewski, J.; Lippross, S.; Meurer, T.
2021. 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 9241–9246, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636303 -
Optimal Trajectory Planning and Model Predictive Control of Underactuated Marine Surface Vessels using a Flatness-Based Approach
Lutz, M.; Meurer, T.
2021. 2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 4667–4673, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ACC50511.2021.9483265 -
On the Dual Implementation of Collision-Avoidance Constraints in Path-Following MPC for Underactuated Surface Vessels
Helling, S.; Roduner, C.; Meurer, T.
2021. 2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 3366–3371, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ACC50511.2021.9482890 -
Iterative Surface Mapping Using Local Geometry Approximation with Sparse Measurements During Robotic Tooling Tasks
Amersdorfer, M.; Meurer, T.
2021. 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 9–15, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CASE49439.2021.9551406
Motion Planning for PDEs
Meurer, T.
2020. Encyclopedia of Systems and Control. Ed.: J. Baillieul, 1–9, Springer London. doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_14-2 -
Ausgewählte Beiträge der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und 1.40
Woittennek, F.; Meurer, T.
2020. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 68 (8), 609–611. doi:10.1515/auto-2020-0108 -
Dissipativer Backstepping-basierter Beobachterentwurf für semilineare Diffusions-Reaktionssysteme [Dissipative backstepping-based observer design for semilinear diffusion-reaction systems]
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2020. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 68 (7), 571–581. doi:10.1515/auto-2020-0055 -
Dissipative PI control for a class of semilinear heat equations with actuator disturbance
Schaum, A.; Feketa, P.; Meurer, T.
2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), 7503–7508. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1315 -
Demand Tracking Control in Manufacturing Systems
Othman, K. A. A. A.; Meurer, T.
2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), 11219–11224. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.334 -
Synthesis, Design, and Synchronization Analysis of Coupled Linear Electrical Networks
Ochs, K.; Michaelis, D.; Solan, E.; Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2020. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 67 (12), 4521–4532. doi:10.1109/TCSI.2020.3002672 -
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Michael Zeitz zum 80. Geburtstag
Meurer, T.; Birk, J.
2020. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 68 (7), 509–511. doi:10.1515/auto-2020-0092 -
Flatness-based MPC for underactuated surface vessels in confined areas
Helling, S.; Lutz, M.; Meurer, T.
2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), 14686–14691. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1831 -
Trajectory planning for semilinear time-fractional reaction-diffusion systems under Robin boundary conditions
Ge, F.; Meurer, T.
2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), 7722–7727. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1520 -
PDE-based multi-agent formation control using flatness and backstepping: Analysis, design and robot experiments
Freudenthaler, G.; Meurer, T.
2020. Automatica, 115, Art.-Nr.: 108897. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2020.108897 -
Stabilization of an unstable tubular reactor by nonlinear passive output feedback control
Franco-de los Reyes, H. A.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Alvarez, J.
2020. Journal of Process Control, 93, 83–96. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2020.07.005 -
Safety Verification for Impulsive Systems
Feketa, P.; Bogomolov, S.; Meurer, T.
2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), 1949–1954. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2589 -
Exponential Stability of Invariant Manifold for a Nonlinear Impulsive Multifrequency System
Feketa, P.; Meurer, T.; Perestyuk, M. M.; Perestyuk, Y. M.
2020. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 249 (4), 694–703. doi:10.1007/s10958-020-04966-z -
Motion planning for a class of boundary controlled 1D port-Hamiltonian systems
Biedermann, B.; Meurer, T.
2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), 7710–7715. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1516 -
Real-time freeform surface and path tracking for force controlled robotic tooling applications
Amersdorfer, M.; Kappey, J.; Meurer, T.
2020. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 65, Art.-Nr.: 101955. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2020.101955 -
A Dynamic Optimization Approach for Sloshing Free Transport of Liquid Filled Containers using an Industrial Robot
Reinhold, J.; Amersdorfer, M.; Meurer, T.
2020. 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2336–2341, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8968144 -
UKF-based Constrained Extremum-Seeking Control with Application to a Large-Bore Gas Engine
Lutz, M.; Freudenthaler, G.; Roduner, C.; Meurer, T.
2020. 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 561–566, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9030024 -
Nonlinear feedback control of a class of semilinear parabolic PDEs
Franco-de los Reyes, H. A.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Alvarez, J.
2020. 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4023–4028, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9029734 -
Impulsive observer design for a class of continuous biological reactors
Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Jerono, P.; Meurer, T.
2020. 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5076–5081, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9029444
Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.40 "Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik" und 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik"
Meurer, T.; Woittennek, F.; Schaum, A. (Eds.)
2019. Chair of Automation and Control, Kiel University -
Ausgewählte Beiträge der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und 1.40
Woittennek, F.; Meurer, T.
2019. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 67 (8), 619–621. doi:10.1515/auto-2019-0069 -
State Estimation of Microalgae Photobioreactors: Applications to Haematococcus Pluvialis
Schaum, A.; Mandis, M.; Jerono, P.; Tronci, S.; Meurer, T.
2019. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74, 1423–1428. doi:10.3303/CET1974238 -
Dissipativity-based output-feedback control for a class of semilinear unstable heat equations
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2019. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (16), 316–321. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.798 -
Dissipativity-based backstepping boundary control for a class of semilinear partial integro-differential equations
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2019. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (2), 1–6. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.001 -
Observer design for a railway running gear with independently rotating wheels
Keck, A.; Schwarz, C.; Meurer, T.
2019. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (15), 325–330. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.695 -
Beobachterentwurf für ein Einzelradfahrwerk eines neuartigen Schienenfahrzeugs [Observer design for an innovative railway vehicle with independently rotating wheels]
Keck, A.; Schwarz, C.; Meurer, T.
2019. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 67 (8), 682–692. doi:10.1515/auto-2019-0040 -
Motion planning and tracking control for coupled flexible beam structures
Kater, A.; Meurer, T.
2019. Control Engineering Practice, 84, 389–398. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2018.12.012 -
Synchronization of nonlinearly coupled networks of Chua oscillators
Feketa, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Michaelis, D.; Ochs, K.
2019. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (16), 628–633. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.12.032 -
Exponential stability of invariant manifold for nonlinear impulsive multifrequency system
Feketa, P.; Meurer, T.; Perestyuk, M. M.; Perestyuk, Y. M.
2019. Nonlinear oscillations, 22 (2), 280–288 -
SVD Square-root Iterated Extended Kalman Filter for Modeling of Epileptic Seizure Count Time Series with External Inputs
Moontaha, S.; Galka, A.; Siniatchkin, M.; Scharlach, S.; von Spiczak, S.; Stephani, U.; May, T.; Meurer, T.
2019. 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 616–619, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857159 -
Flatness-based model predictive control of linear diffusion-convection-reaction processes
Meurer, T.; Andrej, J.
2019. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 527–532, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2018.8619837 -
Passivity-based output-feedback control for a class of 1-D semilinear PDE models
los Reyes, H. F.- de; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Alvarez, J.
2019. 2019 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICEEE.2019.8884530 -
Nonlinear passive control of a class of coupled partial differential equation models
Reyes, H. F. los; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Alvarez, J.
2019. AMCA National Automatic Control Conference (CNCA2019), 477–482 -
Observer Design for the Droop Model with Biased Measurement: Application to Haematococcus Pluvialis
Jerono, P.; Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2019. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6295–6300, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2018.8619063 -
Passivity-Based Observer Design for State Affine Systems Using Interconnection and Damping Assignment
Biedermann, B.; Rosenzweig, P.; Meurer, T.
2019. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4662–4667, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2018.8619143 -
Multiagent systems: Continuum models and PDE-based control
Meurer, T.
2019. 3rd IFAC/IEEE CSS Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations CPDE and XI Workshop Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (2019), Oaxaca City, Mexico, May 20–24, 2019
Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.40 "Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik" und 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik", GAMM-Fachausschuss "Dynamik und Regelungstheorie"
Meurer, T.; Woittennek, F.; Schaum, A. (Eds.)
2018. Chair of Automation and Control, Kiel University -
Flatness-based feedforward control design and two-degrees-of-freedom tracking control for semilinear plug flow reactors
Wagner, M. O.; Meurer, T.
2018. Journal of Process Control, 64, 132–140. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2017.12.009 -
Modeling and Motion Planning for an Artificial Fishtail
Siebelts, D.; Kater, A.; Meurer, T.
2018. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51 (2), 319–324. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.03.055 -
Dissipative observers for coupled diffusion–convection–reaction systems
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Moreno, J. A.
2018. Automatica, 94, 307–314. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2018.04.041 -
Model predictive control of piezo-actuated structures using reduced order models
Rosenzweig, P.; Kater, A.; Meurer, T.
2018. Control Engineering Practice, 80, 83–93. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2018.08.001 -
Ausgewählte Beiträge der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und 1.40 [Selected contributions of the GMA Technical Committees 1.30 and 1.40]
Meurer, T.; Woittennek, F.
2018. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 66 (7), 503–505. doi:10.1515/auto-2018-0077 -
Mittag-Leffler convergent backstepping observers for coupled semilinear subdiffusion systems with spatially varying parameters
Ge, F.; Meurer, T.; Chen, Y.
2018. Systems & Control Letters, 122, 86–92. doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2018.10.009 -
Analysis of the effects of medication for the treatment of epilepsy by ensemble Iterative Extended Kalman filtering
Moontaha, S.; Galka, A.; Meurer, T.; Siniatchkin, M.
2018. 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 187–190, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EMBC.2018.8512179 -
Flatness-based constrained optimal control of reaction-diffusion systems
Andrej, J.; Meurer, T.
2018. 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 2539–2544, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ACC.2018.8431201
Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik" und 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik"
Meurer, T.; Woittennek, F. (Eds.)
2017. Chair of Automation and Control, Kiel University -
Methoden und Anwendungen verteilt-parametrischer Systeme
Woittennek, F.; Deutscher, J.; Meurer, T.
2017. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 65 (5), 295–297. doi:10.1515/auto-2017-0034 -
Robust adaptive feedforward output-feedback tracking control for microalgae cultures
Schaum, A.; Weisbarth, H.; Meurer, T.
2017. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 12667–12672. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2243 -
State-estimation for a class of tubular reactors using a pointwise innovation scheme
Schaum, A.; Alvarez, J.; Meurer, T.; Moreno, J. A.
2017. Journal of Process Control, 60, 104–114. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2017.05.013 -
Trajectory planning and tracking control for the temperature distribution in a deep drawing tool
Böhm, T.; Meurer, T.
2017. Control Engineering Practice, 64, 127–139. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2017.04.004 -
Finite Element Modeling and Motion Planning of an Adaptive Elastic Wingsail
Kater, A.; Wriedt, J.-P.; Meurer, T.
2017. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 6768–6773. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1194 -
Backstepping-based extended Luenberger observer design for a Burgers-type PDE for multi-agent deployment
Freudenthaler, G.; Göttsch, F.; Meurer, T.
2017. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 6780–6785. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1196 -
Ein verteilt-parametrischer Zugang zur Regelung von Multi-Agentensystemen [A distributed parameter approach for the control of multi-agent systems]
Freudenthaler, G.; Meurer, T.
2017. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 65 (8), 574–585. doi:10.1515/auto-2017-0018 -
Modellprädiktive Regelung von piezoelektrischen Strukturen
Rosenzweig, P.; Meurer, T.
2017. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", 251–263 -
Some perspectives in PDE control
Meurer, T.
2017. Preprints of the 20th IFAC world congress, 4263–4267 -
Flachheitsbasierte beschränkte Optimalsteuerung für Diffusions-Reaktionssysteme
Andrej, J.; Meurer, T.
2017. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", 89–104 -
Modellbasierte Prozessüberwachung und optimierung von Algenwachstumsprozessen
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.; Schulz, R.; Mudimu, C. O.
2017. 10. Bundesalgenstammtisch (2017), Merseburg, Germany, September 11–12, 2017
PDE-based tracking control for multi-agent deployment
Freudenthaler, G.; Meurer, T.
2016. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (18), 582–587. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.228 -
Design and Evaluation of Software Sensors for Bioreactors with Unknown Time-Varying Parameters
Schaum, A.; Weisbarth, H.; Meurer, T.
2016. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (9), 1307–1307. doi:10.1002/cite.201650099 -
Pointwise innovation–based state observation of exothermic tubular reactors
Schaum, A.; Alvarez, J.; Meurer, T.; Moreno, J. A.
2016. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (7), 955–960. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.324 -
Dissipativity-based observer design for a class of coupled 1-D semi-linear parabolic PDE systems
Schaum, A.; Moreno, J. A.; Meurer, T.
2016. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (8), 98–103. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.425 -
Flatness of a class of linear Volterra partial integro–differential equations
Meurer, T.
2016. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (8), 174–179. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.432 -
Infinite-dimensional decentralized damping control of large-scale manipulators with hydraulic actuation
Henikl, J.; Kemmetmüller, W.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2016. Automatica, 63, 101–115. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2015.10.024 -
Modeling of biaxial gimbal-less MEMS scanning mirrors
von Wantoch, T.; Gu-Stoppel, S.; Senger, F.; Mallas, C.; Hofmann, U.; Meurer, T.; Benecke, W.
2016. MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XV, Art.-Nr.: 976008, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2213518 -
Beobachter- und Trajektorienfolgeregelungsentwurf für Mikroalgenwachstumsprozesse
Schaum, A.; Weisbarth, H.; Meurer, T.
2016. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", 265–274 -
Modelling and flatness-based motion planning for an interconnected flexible beam structure
Kater, A.; Meurer, T.
2016. 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 520–525, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2016.7798321 -
PDGL-basierte Regelung von Multi-Agenten-Systemen
Freudenthaler, G.; Meurer, T.
2016. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, 14–27
A nonlinear quasi-unknown input observer for the chemostat Droop model
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2015. K. V. Gernaey, J. K. Huusom & R. Gani (Eds.), 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 1565–1570, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63577-8.50106-6 -
Inversion-based feedforward control design for the Droop model
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2015. K. V. Gernaey, J. K. Huusom & R. Gani (Eds.), 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 1601–1606, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63577-8.50112-1 -
Flachheitsbasierte Bewegungsplanung für gekoppelte elastische Balken [Flatness-based motion planning for coupled elastic beams]
Kater, A.; Meurer, T.
2015. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 63 (9), 684–699. doi:10.1515/auto-2015-0048 -
Backstepping observers for linear PDEs on higher-dimensional spatial domains
Jadachowski, L.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2015. Automatica, 51, 85–97. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2014.10.108 -
Quasi-unknown input based 2-DOF control for a class of flat nonlinear SISO systems
Schaum, A.; Meurer, T.
2015. 2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 3209–3214, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ECC.2015.7331028 -
A simple observer scheme for a class of 1-D semi-linear parabolic distributed parameter systems
Schaum, A.; Moreno, J. A.; Alvarez, J.; Meurer, T.
2015. 2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 49–54, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ECC.2015.7330524 -
Experimental results on motion planning and tracking control for a piezoactuated flexible trimorph bender
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.; Thull, D.
2015. 2007 European Control Conference (ECC), 5587–5594, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ECC.2007.7068840
Motion planning for PDEs
Meurer, T.
2014. J. Baillieul & T. Samad (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Ed.: J. Baillieul, T. Samad, 1–10, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_14-1 -
Motion planning for a piezo-actuated structure modeling a wingsail
Kater, A.; Meurer, T.
2014. PAMM, 14 (1), 895–896. doi:10.1002/pamm.201410428 -
Backstepping Observers for Periodic Quasi-Linear Parabolic PDEs
Jadachowski, L.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2014. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 47 (3), 7761–7766. doi:10.3182/20140824-6-ZA-1003.01246 -
Trajectory Planning For a Deep Drawing Tool
Böhm, T.; Meurer, T.
2014. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 47 (3), 665–670. doi:10.3182/20140824-6-ZA-1003.01565
Control of Higher–Dimensional PDEs – Flatness and Backstepping Designs
Meurer, T.
2013. Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30015-8 -
Motion Planning for Piezo-Actuated Flexible Structures: Modeling, Design, and Experiment
Shröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2013. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21 (3), 807–819. doi:10.1109/TCST.2012.2196043 -
Flatness of Semilinear Parabolic PDEs—A Generalized Cauchy–Kowalevski Approach
Schörkhuber, B.; Meurer, T.; Jüngel, A.
2013. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58 (9), 2277–2291. doi:10.1109/TAC.2013.2256013 -
Semi-numerical trajectory planning for coupled systems of linear diffusion-convection-reaction equations
Schmidt, J.; Meurer, T.
2013. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 46 (26), 31–36. doi:10.3182/20130925-3-FR-4043.00056 -
On the Extended Luenberger-Type Observer for Semilinear Distributed-Parameter Systems
Meurer, T.
2013. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58 (7), 1732–1743. doi:10.1109/TAC.2013.2243312 -
Flatness-based trajectory planning for semilinear parabolic PDEs
Schörkhuber, B.; Meurer, T.; Jüngel, A.
2013. 2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3538–3543, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426310 -
Motion planning for the 2D Stokes equations
Meurer, T.; Saidani, M.
2013. 2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1572–1577, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426388 -
State estimation for parabolic PDEs with reactive-convective non-linearities
Jadachowski, L.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2013. 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 1603–1608, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ECC.2013.6669588 -
Model-based temperature control of a deep drawing tool
Böhm, T.; Struck, R.; Meurer, T.; Dagen, M.
2013. Proc. Conference of the international Deep research group (IDDRG), 41–46
Trajektorienplanung für eine piezo-aktuierte elastische Kirchhoff-Platte [Motion planning for a piezo-actuated elastic Kirchhoff plate]
Meurer, T.; Schröck, J.; Kugi, A.
2012. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 129 (1), 11–17. doi:10.1007/s00502-012-0068-2 -
An Efficient Implementation of Backstepping Observers for Time-Varying Parabolic PDEs
Jadachowski, L.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2012. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 45 (2), 798–803. doi:10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00141 -
Infinit-dimensionaler Reglerentwurf für Euler-Bernoulli Balken mit Macro-Fibre Composite Aktoren [Infinite-Dimensional Feedback Control for Euler—Bernoulli Beams with Macro-Fibre Composite Actuators]
Henikl, J.; Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2012. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 60 (1), 10–19. doi:10.1524/auto.2012.0967 -
Non-collocated feedback stabilization of a non-uniform Euler-Bernoulli beam with in-domain actuation
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2012. 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 2776–2781, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2011.6160929 -
Motion planning for an elastic Kirchhoff plate
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2012. 2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 652–657, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ACC.2012.6315064
Contributions to motion planning and tracking control for distributed-parameter systems in single- and higher-dimensional spatial domains. habilitation thesis
Meurer, T.
2011 -
Trajectory planning for a two-dimensional quasi-linear parabolic PDE based on finite difference semi-discretizations
Utz, T.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2011. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 44 (1), 12632–12637. doi:10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.03585 -
Feedforward Control for a Non-Uniform Euler-Bernoulli Beam
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11 (1), 829–830. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110403 -
Finite-time multi-agent deployment: A nonlinear PDE motion planning approach
Meurer, T.; Krstic, M.
2011. Automatica, 47 (11), 2534–2542. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2011.08.045 -
Tracking control design for a wave equation with dynamic boundary conditions modeling a piezoelectric stack actuator
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2011. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 21 (5), 542–562. doi:10.1002/rnc.1611 -
Flatness-based trajectory planning for diffusion–reaction systems in a parallelepipedon—A spectral approach
Meurer, T.
2011. Automatica, 47 (5), 935–949. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2011.02.004 -
State reconstruction in higher dimensional PDEs with spatially varying parameters
Jadachowski, L.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11 (1), 813–814. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110395 -
State Estimation for Parabolic PDEs with Varying Parameters on 3-Dimensional Spatial Domains
Jadachowski, L.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2011. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 44 (1), 13338–13343. doi:10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.02964
Trajectory planning for semilinear PDEs modeling a countercurrent heat exchanger
Wagner, M. O.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2010. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 43 (14), 593–598. doi:10.3182/20100901-3-IT-2016.00269 -
Trajectory planning for quasilinear parabolic distributed parameter systems based on finite-difference semi-discretisations
Utz, T.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2010. International Journal of Control, 83 (6), 1093–1106. doi:10.1080/00207171003586914 -
Control of a flexible beam actuated by macro-fiber composite patches: II. Hysteresis and creep compensation, experimental results
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2010. Smart Materials and Structures, 20 (1), Art.-Nr.: 015016. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/20/1/015016 -
Control of a flexible beam actuated by macro-fiber composite patches: I. Modeling and feedforward trajectory control
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2010. Smart Materials and Structures, 20 (1), Art.-Nr.: 015015. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/20/1/015015 -
Motion Planning for a Flexible Link Manipulator with Macro-fiber Composite Actuators
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2010. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 43 (18), 486–491. doi:10.3182/20100913-3-US-2015.00032 -
Further Results on Stabilization of Shock-Like Equilibria of the Viscous Burgers PDE
Smyshlyaev, A.; Meurer, T.; Krstic, M.
2010. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55 (8), 1942–1946. doi:10.1109/TAC.2010.2050018 -
Nonlinear PDE–based motion planning for the formation control of mobile agents
Meurer, T.; Krstic, M.
2010. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 43 (14), 599–604. doi:10.3182/20100901-3-IT-2016.00072
Modelling and experimental model validation for a pusher-type reheating furnace
Wild, D.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 15 (3), 209–232. doi:10.1080/13873950902927683 -
Nichtlinearer Zustandsschätzer für einen Stoßofen
Wild, D.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.; Eberwein, K.; Bödefeld, B.; Bott, M.
2009. Stahl + Eisen, 129 (1), 45–50 -
Feedforward control design for a semilinear wave equation
Wagner, M. O.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. PAMM, 9 (1), 7–10. doi:10.1002/pamm.200910003 -
Trajectory Planning for Boundary Controlled Parabolic PDEs With Varying Parameters on Higher-Dimensional Spatial Domains
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54 (8), 1854–1868. doi:10.1109/TAC.2009.2024572 -
Trajectory planning for boundary controlled parabolic PDEs with varying parameters defined on a parallelepiped
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. PAMM, 9 (1), 11–14. doi:10.1002/pamm.200910004 -
Feedforward control design for the wave equation with nonlinear boundary conditions modelling a torsional rod
Wagner, M. O.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. 2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1459–1464, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2008.4739220 -
Motion planning for an adaptive wing structure with macrofiber composite actuators
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. Proc. SPIE 7362, Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS IV, 73621H (18 May 2009), Ed.: U. Schmid, 73621H-73631H, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.821699 -
Trajektorienplanung für flexible Balken mit Piezo-Aktoren
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", 307–316 -
Motion planning for a flexible beam structure with macro-fiber composite actuators
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2009. 2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 2193–2198, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/ECC.2009.7074730
Feedforward Control Design for the Inviscid Burger Equation using Formal Power Series and Summation Methods
Wagner, M. O.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2008. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41 (2), 8743–8748. doi:10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.01478 -
Inversion-Based Feedforward Control for the Transient Shaping of a Piezo-Actuated Cantilevered Kirchhoff Plate
Schröck, J.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2008. PAMM, 8 (1), 10913–10914. doi:10.1002/pamm.200810913 -
Flatness-based tracking control of a piezoactuated Euler–Bernoulli beam with non-collocated output feedback: theory and experiments
Meurer, T.; Thull, D.; Kugi, A.
2008. International Journal of Control, 81 (3), 475–493. doi:10.1080/00207170701579429 -
Model inversion of boundary controlled parabolic partial differential equations using summability methods
Meurer, T.; Zeitz, M.
2008. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 14 (3), 213–230. doi:10.1080/13873950701844873
Motion planning for the heat equation with radiation boundary conditions based on finite difference semi-discretizations
Utz, T.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2007. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40 (12), 306–311. doi:10.3182/20070822-3-ZA-2920.00051 -
Inversion trajectory planning for the heat equation with temperature-dependent parameters and radiation boundary conditions
Utz, T.; Meurer, T.; Wild, D.; Kugi, A.
2007. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 7 (1), 4130039–4130040. doi:10.1002/pamm.200700946 -
Tracking control for a diffusion-convection-reaction system: combining flatness and backstepping
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2007. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40 (12), 140–145. doi:10.3182/20070822-3-ZA-2920.00024 -
Feedforward tracking control for non-uniform Timoshenko beam models: combining differential flatness, modal analysis, and FEM
Becker, J.; Meurer, T.
2007. ZAMM, 87 (1), 37–58. doi:10.1002/zamm.200610295 -
Zur Kombination von Flachheit und Backstepping für den Entwurf einer Trajektorienfolgeregelung für ein Diffusions Konvektions Reaktions System
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2007. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", 139–149 -
Feedforward control design under input constraints for a tubular reactor model
Wieland, P.; Meurer, T.; Graichen, K.; Zeitz, M.
2007. Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3968–3973, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CDC.2006.377031
Trajectory Planning and Feedforward Control Design for the Temperature Distribution in a Cuboid
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2006. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 6 (1), 825–826. doi:10.1002/pamm.200610392 -
Inversion-based transient shaping of a piezo-actuated plate: Motion planning and feedforward control
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2006. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 39 (16), 169–174. doi:10.3182/20060912-3-DE-2911.00032 -
Inversionsbasierte Bewegungsplanung und Steuerung für eine piezo–aktuierte rechteckige Platte
Meurer, T.; Kugi, A.
2006. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", 273–282 -
Model inversion for distributed-parameter systems using summability methods
Meurer, T.; Zeitz, M.
2006. I. Troch & F. Breitenecker (Eds.), Proceedings 5th MATHMOD Vienna Volume 2: Full Papers CD, ARGESIM Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation News -
Flatness-based feedforward control design for flexible structures
Becker, J.; Meurer, T.; Gaul, L.
2006. 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control System Design, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 650–655, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CACSD-CCA-ISIC.2006.4776722
System Inversion and Feedforward Control via Formal Power Series and Summation Methods
Wagner, M. O.; Meurer, T.; Zeitz, M.
2005. T. Meurer (Ed.), Control and observer design for nonlinear finite and infinite dimensional systems, Ed.: T. Meurer, 253–270, Springer. doi:10.1007/11529798_16 -
Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems
Meurer, T.; Graichen, K.; Gilles, E. D. (Eds.)
2005. Springer. doi:10.1007/11529798 -
Steuerung und Folgeregelung von Diffusions-Konvektions-Reaktions-Systemen mittels Summierbarkeitsmethoden
Meurer, T.; Zeitz, M.
2005. Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", 74–87 -
Vorsteuerung mit Trajektorienplanung als Basis einer Folgeregelung
Zeitz, M.; Graichen, K.; Meurer, T.
2005. GMA-Kongress 2005: Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung, 795–806, VDI Verlag
K-Summable power series as a design tool for feedforward control of diffusion–convection–reaction systems
Wagner, M. O.; Meurer, T.; Zeitz, M.
2004. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 37 (13), 147–152. doi:10.1016/S1474-6670(17)31214-4 -
A modal approach to flatness-based control of flexible structures
Meurer, T.; Zeitz, M.
2004. PAMM, 4 (1), 133–134. doi:10.1002/pamm.200410048 -
Randsteuerung und flachheitsbasierte Folgeregelung von Systemen mit verteilten Parametern
Meurer, T.
2004, April 28. Institute of Automatic Control and Control Systems Technology, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (2004), Linz, Austria, April 28, 2004
A Novel Design Approach to Flatness-Based Feedback Boundary Control of Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Distributed Parameters
Meurer, T.; Zeitz, M.
2003. W. Kang, C. Borges & M. Xiao (Eds.), New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and their Applications, Ed.: W. Kang, 221–235, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-45056-6_14
One-dimensional pulse propagation in a nonlinear elastic media
Meurer, T.; Qu, J.; Jacobs, L. J.
2001. Proc. SPIE 4335, Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation for Structural and Biological Health Monitoring, (24 July 2001), Ed.: T. Kundu, 202–209, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.434174